This forum is dire...waaaaahhhh!

And it has absolutely nothing to do with Kirik and Chris.

I'll admit, I do believe the board is Zuffa-influenced, but this thread isn't about that.

The problem is the "UG standard" - the traditions we've created for ourselves that have made this forum impossible to stand.

When you come on to the forum ( forever), you have to sift through a relentless pile of garbage before you find posts worth replying to.

Our great tradition of "trolls" and "multiple accounts" has us all arguing with each other over pointless pedantic details that have no influence on MMA whatsoever.

We've all been trolled, we've all been argued with and faced with pure confidence held by zero logical backing, so we're all out there to get someone back with the same tactics. The conversations are steeped in curse words, personal attacks and childlike terms that make reading them an insult to our collective intelligence...we're a mockery of ourselves.

When you finally find a worthy conversation, it's not long until another poster, set in his good old UG ways, chimes in with his own brand of lunacy that sets the tone for the rest of the conversation.

I'm not surprised the mods are under constant assault...with daily waves of sewage flowing onto the forum, they have no idea if posts are trolling, offensive, fighter bashing or a serious statement.

I'll always use this forum - the S&C forum has a collection of very knowledgeable individuals whom I learn from every day. Of course, I'll always respect the "made men" of the UG also...the ones that post pictures of their new houses, their wives and families having fun...the ones who use this forum as a resource and an addition to their hobby.

I'm gonna round this up here with a simple ask. Before you look to how bad the "UG" is managed, look to the posters.

P.S. get rid of "UG news", what the hell is going on with that thing?!

FRAT, but I agree that UG news is often shit and can't stand a couple of the blatant trolls but have learned to ignore them.

mmamozza - FRAT, but I agree that UG news is often shit and can't stand a couple of the blatant trolls but have learned to ignore them.

I don't think this qualifies as a FRAT.

FRAT Phone Post

It's longer than a golden circle book, it's FRAT.

I did actually go back and read it all, I was just mid-mandarin at first try.


UG belongs to the trolls now - the problem being that we can't tell who the trolls ARE.

This forum is about getting a rise out of people now - teenagers are loving it.

Forum starting going downhill the moment that UGers started slapping kimuras on cadavers just so they could post about it.

Zedlepln - <p>Forum starting going downhill the moment that UGers started slapping kimuras on cadavers just so they could post about it.</p>

That thread was fucking awesome - if only THAT guy still posted here, all would be sane again.


 someone is cranky today  looks around

Zedlepln - 

Forum starting going downhill the moment that UGers started slapping kimuras on cadavers just so they could post about it.

Actually, I slapped that kimura on so we could examine a joint in more detail.