This gif always makes me laugh


Fucking Jon Jones is some guy! I can’t help but love the guy. There is something hilarious about him. That villainous smile is so funny!

He is a true villain. And a likeable one at that.

While others are trying to convince you they are tough guy bad asses and dangerous, Jon Jones is the opposite; he’s trying his best to convince you he is this nice, law abiding Christian and no one is buying it. It’s hilarious!

Guy parties, drinks, does coke, wraps Bentleys around poles and still manages to win and beat everyone. How can you not like that?

MMA and UFC at it’s core is just an entertainment, an escape for average people.

People experience it vicariously through fighters. This is why people cheered against Cormier. He is a stand up guy, a great family man, a great team mate, successful. That makes people look at their own lives and feel like shit! So they want him taken down.

Jon Jones is a dysfunctional fuck up who wins every time. And who better to help people relax, escape and feel better about themselves than a true anti hero?


Friends Tv GIF

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TTT for Jon.

giphy (53)


This is for all the Jon Jones haters, that will jump in this thread and argue like women, ohh but he uses Peds, cocaine, etc etc…
Well thats just what real men do Faggits



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Welcome back after 11 months,

Were u in jail


No, I was just waiting for an opportunity to post that gif.

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GOAT. And fact of matter is, those pussies who criticize him for his behavior outside the octagon are way worse than he is and would’ve been way way way worse if they were a tenth as successful as he is or anybody else who makes them feel small necessitating virtue signaling to the world to feel better about themselves.


It’s a good gif, I’ll give that to you.

I may use it when the Dagestan NutHuggers on here go all gay for and spam the UG with their Dagi love

yes very likeable when he beat his wife, rammed someones car and popped for roids those times

why are there 100’s of other athletes that are as successful or far more than he who haven’t done any of that shit.

funny how you defend that POS yet you were the most butt hurt when izzy made fun of pereiras kid.


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He doesn’t even need to train at this point. Goat.


ROFL triggered again. There are also 100’s of other athletes that are as successful or far more that have done. Seems like you are butt hurt from my critique about Izzy because you still remember it.

Take your lame and weak arguments and comparisons, your SIMP sorry ass, and your fake virtue signaling, and above all, your puny brain elsewhere.

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lol i remember it because you bitched and whined about it on here for a month.

and it’s not virtue signalling to say someone who beats their wife is a scumbag nor is it virtue signalling to call out some little dumb cunt like you for being a hypocrite. Why would anyone bother virtue signalling on a forum full of low brow redneck racists anyway. We get that you’re so edgy and dark and virtue signalling is your favourite new term but maybe learn what it actually means you gay little incel edge lord

I bet you’re one of those guys who has a picture of the Joker as their profile picture and goes around facebook posting about how no women like you because you’re too dark and complex. lol


Lol of course it is. You’re obsessively telling others what to think about the guy and criticizing them for not being on par with your “moral superiority”

Hmmm… I dont have a profile picture. Why do you have to bet on it!?

Your arguments are weaks and you are incapable. Hiding behind “incel” and other childish pokes aint enough. You are, at best, a low quality beta who expresses himself accordingly with recurrent emotional lashing out. Puberty has failed you. Grow up, kiddo. Try some testosterone supplements or at least a smaller dildo that will hurt you less.