This is about DE LA RIVA...

Dr. Phil moment...

I see two things causing confusion:

1) Fortunately or unfortunately for De La Riva, the type of guard in which you hook the lead leg behind the knee is commonly known as the "De La Riva guard". That is the term for it, much like you have the kimura and Ezequiel chokes which are named after the respective competitors who had a lot of success with the techniques. If someone advertises that they are teaching the DLR guard on a video, I think you can criticize their excution or instruction, but not their choice of terminology. It isnt marketing, it is the NAME of the technique.

2) It was said that DLR doesnt get on the internet. As I learned a LONG time ago in this sport, people like to get others riled up with bad information. I can, in 2 minutes, get my coach or any other Brazilian who doesnt get on the net enraged by talking about how he is being taken advantage of online. Three people can make a post about liking the DLR set and someone will run back to DLR and say that his name is being sold like crazy online and why isnt he getting a cut? When in fact, people who say they like the DLR set are refering to the set that discusses the position, not the set that features DLR himself. It is not only a language barrier issue, but also a technological one.

Andre is 100% correct

As I learned a LONG time ago in this sport, people like to get others riled up with bad information. I can, in 2 minutes, get my coach or any other Brazilian who doesnt get on the net enraged by talking about how he is being taken advantage of online.

I bet 1/2 the fueds in BJJ have been started like this. 



Jess- You've got e-mail. Thanks! -Andrew

This is very dumb if RDL's name was not directly mentioned as the insturctor of the videos. If the advertisment says "The De La Riva guard" then you can't be too mad b/c it is a position that all bjjers at some point learn and grapple in and out of. Many people play that game and have really sick technique from that position. They are using the De La Riva guard and if they make a video they will call it techniques from the De LA Riva guard as well. You have to to let the buyer know what there getting. That's just the positions coined name b/c RDL was so sick/innovative at that position. I can also however understand that Bittencourt is in the association and maybe as a blackbelt instructor he needed to get RDL more involved if possible.

flowslo has sweeped the correct from de la riva guard

exactly my thoughts...


"Inventor of the ‘De La Riva Hook ’; a name given to a specific type of open guard game in order to differentiate it from the closed guard game, which (now get this) he ALSO invented! That ’s right …according to multiple 'old school' sources Ricardo De La Riva is supposedly the inventor of THE GUARD GAME ('Ummm....okay, if you say so! I'm certainly not the expert here!"). "

This part killed the whole read for me. What about about Carlson, Helio, Carlos, Maeda, down to the generations of Fuzen Ryu Jiu-Jitsu people who used guard for decades (maybe centuries) before a japanese ever set foot in Brazil. Please check your facts, otherwise a good read about one of the greats.

As a side note, I was suprised to see a old Judo master doing the De La Riva guard on an old Kosen judo video made in the 60's so the position existed before although by all accounts Ricardo revolutionized it.

All arguements aside, DE LA RIVA is and always will be the inventor of the del la riva gaurd. Regardless of what a judo guy might have done on accident in an old movie. eric newell

De La Riva is the man...
I saw when he was here,he create a really sick guard and we start develop this game from this day on...The Name of the guard is:
GUARD ALCATRAZ,De La Riva explained to me that this specific guard is something Unique,it is very hard to escape and if you do escape you are going right on the trap.
We will be get a DVD out very soon!

GIBBY24 - That's correct. I've never trained in De La's school in Brazil. Marcelo Grosso was my teacher but every single one of my belts where handed to me by De La Riva himself. Marcelo would always schedule seminars around the time he thought I was ready to move up in rank, this way De La would watch me train for the week and then award me the belt on the weekend of the seminar. And even though I've never been to his school, I had the opportunity to train with his top students who would also come to Orlando either to compete or to participate in the seminar including: Minotauro, Vanusa, Felipao, Barauna, Maurinho, Winstrol, Leo Grosso and others.


"I told him that the De La Riva guard wasn't my specialty but ..."

Okay, I find this out after I ready bought the DVDs. How about a disclaimer "De La Riva guard isn't my specialty".

good stuff!!! great post!!


Ive trained in Brazil with Carlson's team (with De La Riva there) and I train under Rey Diogo who really DOES specialize in that type of guard, and I will say in all honesty that everything William showed is exactly the way Ive seen it taught by my coach and in Brazil. Plus he showed a lot that I hadnt seen. Overall, I thought it was very impressive.

Perhaps there is something William is even better at, and that is his speciality, but from what I saw he is damn good at the De La Riva guard.

Bob&Weeve - Andre is correct. Sorry if I didn't make my self clear what I meant is that I feel like there are other parts of my game that I feel are even more comfortable teaching and using than the De La Riva guard. But please make no mistakes, you will get every single one of your pennies worth. This is the best De La Riva guard set on the market today. No cockiness (sp?) intended!!! ;)

Alright, fair enough, I've had the DVDs for a couple of weeks now, but I haven't the time to watch it yet. Thanks for the explanation.

I would like to get those DVD's,there is special offer for a black belt?

Peace,Sergio Silva...

Hey Willian that could be your Xmas gift for Open Door Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu-Hook up broo!