This little turd can wrestle (vid)

Didnt this vid go viral last year?

pcuzz - Didnt this vid go viral last year?

I dont know. Ive never seen it before today.

 I wish that my son would have been that good at a sport at that age.That kid is going to be a terror.

Yeah kid is awesome! I posted it last week and a bunch of idiots gave me grief that it was old. Still awesome!

Popular, but very relevant.

If one new pair of eyes sees this every time a new thread is made, then wasn't it all worth it? Phone Post

Steve-o! Phone Post

Serious lack of competition in the 50lb weight division Phone Post

Florian will challenge him

Twenty47 - This video has been posted so many times but its badass. The leg cradle did it for me Phone Post

Me too, I was like Whaa? Phone Post

 he will be in the olympics down the road.  Wow. 

sickdarce -  This kid is good and I promise I am not hating but if you live in so cal, you can see kids just as good if not better every Sunday at local youth wrestling tournaments. Phone Post

 Yeah cuz we all know So Cal is so dominant in wrestling... GTFO of here with that shit.

sickdarce - This kid is good and I promise I am not hating but if you live in so cal, you can see kids just as good if not better every Sunday at local youth wrestling tournaments. Phone Post

I feel ya. There are some awesome little kid wrestlers in many youth wrestling camps.

Lil' Chuck right there

but yeah old as hell

"He hasn't been tested yet, he's only faced cans"


lol jk
