The Voice
I’m happy it exists. Poland has had 2 UFC champs and a few prospects have or are making their way to the UFC. Gamrot seems to be the one that’s had the most recent hype.
With that said, I like my freak show fights! Boxing has them too.
Pudzianowski is fun to watch and brings that Pride FC freak show fight era to the table. The funniest moment was when the ref tried to arm bar him to stop his bee hive hulk smash technique after his first fight:
Also, I don’t believe that Eddie or Thor have ever mentioned wanting to fight him lol.
It sounds a lot like him but it’s not. It’s an English guy named Will Vanders who used to do some K-1 commentary.
It’s impossible to find replays of KSW
Mamed is maybe one of the least known/respected MMA fighters from KSW and I always thought he would end up in the UFC but he’s been loyal to KSW. I think they pay their athletes better than most including the UFC.
Yeah I was more thinking about the past when he was double champ at KSW , he was a super well rounded fighter back then and running thru folks. Yeah I’m sure he’s past a bidding war between KSW n UFC now, didn’t he lose his last couple in fact?
He has a couple fames names on his list what I could se on share dog.
A young prospect that is gathering some hype on the European MMA scen is Marko Bojkovic.
LW 20 years 5-0 record .
A special talent , you can se it in his fights. And the gym stories about him also are telling that he has the talent.
Even crazier part of that article is that Bellator made $100 million in 2020
KSW is excellent MMA.
I wish they kept going with tournaments they were much more frequent in the promotions earlier days.
I just recently started watching KSW and it’s topp.
Absolute best promos in the fight game. Even better than the UFC’s. We watch exclusively for the promotional material almost entirely.
What du you think of the talent they have?
Lot of freak show fights ala the old PRIDE, but plenty of UFC level guys.
What do you think of Soldic, and how would he do in ufc?
Well, he got KO’d by Du Plessis and then knocked him out in his next fight. Top 15 minimum. I rank Du Plessis pretty highly just from what I’ve seen so far and think he beats Tavares at 276 in July. So a guy that can beat him by KO has to be pretty damn good and his 20-3 record reflects that.