Thoughts on Floyd v Khan now

Seeing Maidana win those rounds, he made it close and he got the fight he wanted from floyd, it just didn't matter in the end.

Khan obviously different fighter but so difficult to win rounds against. Impressive in his 147 debut. No one has reduced Collazo to that mess before, turned into an absolute horror show for him.

I think it would a fantastic fight. Phone Post 3.0

I just think it's further away from happening than ever now, just my gut feeling.

He kind of stole the show a bit last night, im going to bite my tongue as far as using a particular phrase goes and I'll just say I think Floyd looks at different options.

He's not knocking Khan out at WW and 12 rounds with Khan will not be high on the wish list of anyone at the weight especially a non-puncher. Phone Post 3.0

After watching the fights last night seeing how flatfooted Floyd has became with age, I might be inclined to put my money on Kahn if that fight actually takes place. Phone Post 3.0

Maidana was successful by outmuscling Floyd on the ropes and roughing him up on the inside. That's not Khan's style at all, he doesn't even have an inside game really.

But I wouldn't mind seeing the high speed chess match they would have on the outside.

PoundforPound - Maidana was successful by outmuscling Floyd on the ropes and roughing him up on the inside. That's not Khan's style at all, he doesn't even have an inside game really.

But I wouldn't mind seeing the high speed chess match they would have on the outside.
Yeah they are similar but I see Khan looking for centre ring more if the fought, not sure if it would pan out like that.

Lamont Peterston got joy out of Khan by just throwing punches nonstop and matching Khan for work rate but Khan likes to trade.

Maidana got rounds from floyd by getting onto his chest and working, landing some chopping hooks and just working his bollocks off but Floyd loves a guy with those intentions.

How can you not be interested to see how a fight with these two pans out.

It will be great.

Floyd landing that right to the body (that kept him in control against Maidana and Khan would be a sucker for it also)

Khan with that straight right down pipe (Collazo was like a magnet for that, it literally gave him fits)

I want to see this fight but I don't think Floyd will risk it.

No one has ever won a bigger share of a Khan (through boxing) Phone Post 3.0

I would like to see khan-mayweather. But subtract the low blows and repeated back of the head shots and head butts and last nights fight looks different and maidana might not have looked as impressive. One of those low blows was so blatant that a point should have been taken away and he should have been penalized for the back of the head stuff.
I know someone is going to say mayweather uses the elbow/forearm. But that usually comes out against guys who are trying to mug him. If a guy plays it straight and fights fair Floyd does as well. No one who watched that fight last night can say Floyd was in the wrong or they were 'even' Phone Post 3.0

I will be the guy to say that about Floyd. He constantly puts his left forearm on the throats of his opponents and pushes guys off to create space and he did the same thing countless times last night. In addition Floyd leads with elbow, pulls down on fighters heads, constantly whines to referees, leads with his own head and tries every dirty, underhanded trick that he can get away with. I usually agree with your assessment of fighters on here PC, but Floyd is one of the dirtiest, most unethical fighters in the game. Phone Post 3.0