Thoughts on the Chicago Open

Passing straight to mount is 7 points...this was covered in detail at the ref course the day before the tournament. It's the ACT of passing guard that is worth 3, not the position of side mount.

It's different in NAGA no gi where the POSITION of side mount is rewarded, not the act of passing guard.

And, according to the ref course, if I'm passing your guard and you turtle and I put the hooks in it is 7 points, just like going straight to mount. This back scenario is very often only rewarded 4 points.

As far as the Chicago Open, I thought it was an 8 out of 10. There were a few bad ref calls but nothing compared to NAGA. I'm glad they don't allow walk in registration and love divisions starting when they're supposed to. Also, during the fight there is three people on the mat; the two fighters and the ref...that's it! At NAGA you have those three plus 20 other fighters, coaches and little kids on the mat during the fight. The main ref problem at IBJJF is the Gracie Barra bias.

My three biggest complaints were 1. the venue, no doors on the shitters and hot as hell. 2. IBJJF black belt registration rules, and 3. closing registration early due to "capacity" even though there were tons of empty or two person divisions.

P2 - ^^ Which IBJJF events have you competed in?

 wtf does that matter?

The preregistration is definitely crucial for any well run tournaments. This allows the coordinators to preset the brackets and schedule everything which is why the tournament runs on time, as opposed to naga which is a cluster fuck

Altair - you must hold a position for a long 3 count before getting awarded points, if you passed and went straight to mount, its correct to only give 4 points..............also, NAGA is a joke, what are you talking about? many feel that way, its not just a few here and there.

 Here's the point. Naga and GQ are the same if you ask me. There's no difference in quality. I've done both, and both do the same exact thing, minus NAGA having competitors carry cards instead of being computer based entry. To say that NAGA sucks, would mean GQ sucks because its the same shit.

Then that really only leaves REALLY local tourneys, and IBJJF. IBJJF is great, i'm not arguing that. But without walk ins, you aren't going to get as big a crowd, and that allows them to be more organized. It's not because they're miracle workers. 

bonez05 - The preregistration is definitely crucial for any well run tournaments. This allows the coordinators to preset the brackets and schedule everything which is why the tournament runs on time, as opposed to naga which is a cluster fuck

 I totally agree.

However, I don't mind the cluster fuck. I'd rather have 10 matches because everyone walked in and didnt have to pre-reg. 

 I don't mind being there all day. I probably had to drive really far to get there anyway...

The only tournaments that come to my area where i can go home that same day are Naga in Newark NJ, GQ if they have one in North/Central Jersey, and the NY Open... So if I'm gonna go, I'm gonna get a hotel anyway. 

matt murdock - 

My three biggest complaints were 1. the venue, no doors on the shitters and hot as hell. 2. IBJJF black belt registration rules, and 3. closing registration early due to "capacity" even though there were tons of empty or two person divisions.

was that you who said hi to me in the bathroom? there were no doors and I didn't want to make eye contact so i wasn't sure if it was you or somebody else. didn't want to do a double take there. would have been weird.

i was told that the total competitor limit was something like a little over 500..relatively small

They should close division for capacity, not the whole tournament. Cap each division at 16 or 32.

joe90210 - 
JerseyJoeJitsu -  I don't mind being there all day. I probably had to drive really far to get there anyway...

The only tournaments that come to my area where i can go home that same day are Naga in Newark NJ, GQ if they have one in North/Central Jersey, and the NY Open... So if I'm gonna go, I'm gonna get a hotel anyway. 

I'm pretty sure the guys who are told their fight is at 5pm and are made to wait until 10pm sure mind
Only time I've ever seen that happen is at GQ.


The GB guy had a match before hand and was soaking wet, he didn't have much and really nothing went on during the match, nothing.

To be fair, the only bias I seemed to catch a bit of in favor of Barra was their opponents being called for stalling quicker than I thought they should be. I had a few of my guys get warned for stalling against Barra guys very quickly, but the reverse didn't happen.

The most bias I ever saw though was for team Renzo at last year's Pan no gi in New York. In my match I shot a double and the Renzo guy put on a guillotine which I escaped after some time. Should have been 2 pts for me and 1 adv for him. Turned out I got an adv and he got nothing, but I was so confused by the call I figured he must have got the adv and nothing for me, which would make sense if he pulled guard. Just bringing it up because bias can cost matches (I ended up losing because I thought I was down and went for a leg lock at the very end which cost me two pts). Throughout the day I saw continual Renzo bias.

lol, the stalls with no doors really fucking sucked, how fucking UNCOMFORTABLE must it be with people walking by and glancing......terrible!

I also agree that no walk ins prevents chaos.

I don't think the stalling issues were relative to Gracie Barra competitors. It was individual judges. I did the same thing I do every match and have done in many other cbjj matches and the ref was on my ass immediately for stalling. Fucking took 2 points and put me down 2-0. Tried to make things happen and it didn't. Sucked. Whatever. I noticed him doing it later as well and to point out, the person i lost to wasn't GB.

@Murdock, that sucks regarding the nogi PA's match. Wish you would have had my ref. I remember doing the same thing in a match, popping out of the guillotine, and getting my 2 points and my opponent the advantage. Again, sometimes there's bias I guess, but a lot of times again, it seems like the individual ref that just doesn't do a good job. As competitors, it's rough. We train hard, prepare, pay, travel, and to get a shit call makes your head want to explode. The worst part of the nogi pan ams last year was the f'ing timekeepers.

They have got to bring the big digital time and score machines in for all these events. The match after the one I pulled out the guillotine, I was up by 2, but I got kneed in the nose and my nose was bleeding. They stopped the match, I went over to the medical station, shoved some cotton in there and came back. We restarted and it was over like 30 seconds later. It didn't feel right. My buddy that recorded the match watched it on the way home and said the match was only 3 minutes and 30-some seconds long..... They didn't stop the clock when I went over to the medical stand.

regardless of what patch you wear, nobody should be put at a disadvantage in a tourney, sucks and should be frowned upon just as bad as fake black belts.

Allowing walk in registrations doesn't have to throw an event into chaos. I think the biggest problem is that events don't set a realistic schedule for themselves. Any time you see a schedule that says registration/weigh ins from 8-9 AM and the first matches are starting at 9, you should know right off that they're going to be behind all day. They haven't allowed themselves any time to build the brackets. If you're using a computer to do it, it doesn't take too long, but you still need time for data entry and for the barrage of questions from newer guys, like "I forgot what divisions I entered. Can you tell me?" and things like that.

^^^^If they just DQ'd guys for not showing on time, it would fix the problem right away, I loved rolling early and bailing home.

also filling to capacity per division sounds good but I rather guys not be lazy and just pre-register so they have time to iron out the event.

Also, I'm not sure who designs their tournament shirts, but they look like they are straight out of Fresh Prince of Belaire

like 80's punk style lol, cool that they toss in a free shirt though, nice touch to add to the event.