Thoughts on the Chicago Open

Comments on how the Open was run?

I'll give it 6.5-7 out of 10. Reffing was pretty bad, but the schedule was held pretty good.

 No one was there it looks like.

i enjoyed it - was very well organized and very professional.

got to see ryan hall fight - that was awesome

Professionally run, good competition level, a little bad reffing but they actually over turned some reviewed calls so not alot of complaints at all. It was super hot up in the stands which was rough being there all day coaching and competing. But I look forward to the IBJJF coming back

Are results posted anywhere?

 The reffing was brutal and the whitebelt sandbagging was lame but,overall, it was a real well run tournament. Several spectators wished they'd turn on the AC but it cooled down by 3 pm up there.  Also, the people working the tables and such were very nice. 

Results are here:

9 out of 10, good competitors and run in a timely fashion, im glad to see I was not alone in feeling the reffing was iffy, otherwise, fantastic event, felt very personal in that it was really all about the players and not the fans.

The reffing was pretty bad. I guess only 2 of the refs had ever reffed before. The other guys were brand new.

They weren't awarding advantages properly.

Also one of our guys got absolutely robbed.

He passed the half guard straight to mount, which should have been 7 points. But was only awarded 4 because the ref didn't know its 3 for the pass and 4 for the mount.

I apologize if I'm wrong but I was taking a class once, with a black belt that was showing a half guard pass. The pass called for you to end in side control. I asked why not just pass right to full mount? His response was "because you would only get the mount points in a tournament".

Also, I was extremely happy with how the tournament ran and will definitely be attending more IBJJF event and fewer NAGA's.

yeah maybe thats right... maybe the guy passed and secured side control then went to the mount, i can't remember. Whatever the scenario, was the ref missed some of the points. I have it on video. I''ll have to watch again and see what happened.

BUT yes the ibjjf does run a great tournament in general. extremely professional and organized. Naga is a joke.

I am pretty confident that passing straight to mount awards 3 points for passing the guard and 4 points once mount is secured.

 People need to stop calling naga a joke. the people who run naga do a great job.

The only reason IBJJF is so organized is because they don't allow walk ins, plain and simple. 

^^ Which IBJJF events have you competed in?

you must hold a position for a long 3 count before getting awarded points, if you passed and went straight to mount, its correct to only give 4 points..............also, NAGA is a joke, what are you talking about? many feel that way, its not just a few here and there.

As Altair alluded to, side control must be secured for three seconds before passing the guard points are awarded. For example, if I start in a full guard, open the guard, start to pass and my opponent turns to his knees I get an advantage, but no pass. Passing the guard requires side control.

In terms of the points for mount and passing, one of the black belts in attendance who went to the refereeing seminar on Saturday before the event said that was covered and passing straight to the mount is 7 points.

Serafin - In terms of the points for mount and passing, one of the black belts in attendance who went to the refereeing seminar on Saturday before the event said that was covered and passing straight to the mount is 7 points.

Interesting. Never seen CBJJ score it like that before.

Yeah I was surprised to hear it, and so was the black belt who told me about it.

Here is the Ryan Hall absolute fight: