Thoughts on the UFC fight by fight

Kyle vs. Simms- I have not enjoyed Simms much since he has become part of the UFC. But all that changed when I saw this fight. I thought it took a lot of balls to get in there on such short notice and I feel like he seems to be improving over what I saw from him in the second Mir fight. Kyle looks to be a good addition to the UFC. I don't think his loss should be taken for the bite. However, I think a fine should be in order. Someone should also talk to the man about sportsmanship. Someone should also tell Simms what protect yourself at all times means. Or if he was signaling for the towel (which it looked like he was doing to me) than why did his corner let him get KO'd if he was looking for a way out?

Diaz vs. Lawler- The entire fight I was going nuts watching Diaz strike with Lawler with his hands around his waist!!! Lawler was looking for one big shot from the get go and if he would have landed one he could have easily got the KO. However, Lawler didn't do that. The first knockdown appeared to occur from a poorly concieved body punch attempted by Lawler that was not set up at all with work upstairs. Lawler was wading in, not jabbing and throwing one punch at a time. I know he sees himself as a guy who likes to box but I think he has fallen too in love with the big shot. The big shot only comes if you set it up and make it come, get back to basics. Anyway, huge win for Diaz! "That's what happens."

Arlovski vs. Cabbage- Impressive win for Arlovski. Cabbage is very brave and no matter what he takes from men bigger and stronger, he always tries to return fire. I would like to see Cabbage back. I think Arlovski seems a little better than Sylvia, but who knows with the height disparity.

Edwards vs. Franca- Thought it could have gone either way, but I did score it for Franca. Wouldn't mind a re-match if possible. Anway, outstanding fight. I thought there were some very outstanding sequences by both men.

Lytle vs. Tiki- Lytle's boxing looked a little predictable to me, and unvarried. But that said, he showed the ability to display decent kicks, and transitioned well into grappling from striking. I like Lytle and I would like to see him back. Tiki's poor sportsmanship is bullshit and I don't care to see him back at all.

Chuck and Tito- Tito looked all nerves. I think Tito works a lot off of confidence and his was clearly shaken by the Coture loss. His takedown attempts didn't look very fast or explosive to me. But Tito usually good with upper body locks. Chuck seemed to lean in and waded a little bit early on, but once he found his range he was something else. Has Chuck ever lost being an underdog aside from against Horn? The guy is a money fighter. If he gets a rematch against Vitor, it will be very interesting now with Vitor not having to take a fight on short notice.
