THX 2 LGSM & J.Varner!!!

I know most people got their thank yous in a while ago,but I've been in the process of moving and hadnt been at my old house to check the mail in a few there the other day and I couldnt believe the package was still there...thx alot for your generosity the shirts are awesome...heres a couple pics of what maybe the future of the 155 division sporting one of the shirts!!Blue help please....

Please help me keep it TTT until LGSM or Jamie get to see this!!



TTT 4 LGSM & THE CHAMP -- are you gonna frame it??? I framed mine on my wall :D


mackz -  

TTT 4 LGSM & THE CHAMP -- are you gonna frame it??? I framed mine on my wall :D


Yeah,I was goona frame 1 and wear 1,but he autographed both,so Im gonna frame for my room and 1 for my sons!!

 ^ Awesome! And is your son enrolled in wrestling or BJJ?

who knows he could be champ one you say. haha!

mackz -  ^ Awesome! And is your son enrolled in wrestling or BJJ?

who knows he could be champ one you say. haha!

He starts wrestling in a few weeks...and I just got him started in TKD....I wanna see how he does with with that first.He is only 5 so he got a long time to train.

you are very welcome we will hold a spot open for your boy on the MTX Audio Fight Team