Tito=all class

I was rooting for Chuck in a big way. I thought Tito was giving a load of bullshit when he said he would stand. All I can say is I have a ton of respect for Tito for living up to his word.

Tito was all class in defeat and my hat is off to him.

It's easy to say you want to stand when you know you can not take someone down...

TTT for Tito and Chuck!

Tito came out and was aggressive and gave a hell of a fight. My point was that in defeat he was all class.

Tito is all class and incredible for the sport. It's funny some of you moron's cannot see this. He is super intense, dedicated and puts on a great show.

Would you rather see Vladdy Matyushenko or a Tito Ortiz. The champ will be back.

I thought his speech at the end was great. People should look up to Tito for talking shit then being a man and saying he beat my ass.

No question, his speech was classy.

its good to see that tito is accepting his defeat and was not asking for an immediate rematch. id like to see tito vs murray

"Tito is all class and incredible for the sport. It's funny some of you moron's cannot see this."

You're right, the T-shirt he wore when he beat Bohlander(?) that said "I Just Fucked Your Ass" was all class. I don't know how I missed that!


God, untappable, STFU you long-winded bitch.

is untappable Tito's best friend or something?

Tito realized as soon as he shot in, and Chuck read him like a T, that he was back to the days where Chuck used to beat on him in training. In fact, it looked like Tito knew he was going to get KO'd, and was just waiting for it to happen.