Tito Ortiz: I’m the Last of the Mohicans

hes pretty much spot on. Randy and Chuck went out limping with there tails between there legs literally beaten into retirement. Tito for what its worth loses fucking decisions to the top in the sports and is competitive to the day.
His fight with Hamill was the only time I really saw him faltering to a non top ten guy.

Say what you want but beating Tito isn't exactly easy and only the best seem to be able to.

Whambo - did he just say he tapped Machida? Wtf?


haters gunna hate

War Tito !!! Phone Post



I am a Tito fan but there is still one guy left fighting. Just not in the UFC...Dan Severn also Royce still wants to fight so this statement is not 100% correct in my mind.

MsTapouTmagazine - I am a Tito fan but there is still one guy left fighting. Just not in the UFC...Dan Severn also Royce still wants to fight so this statement is not 100% correct in my mind.

 right, wanderlei, vitor, henderson, horn, hell even anderson started almost around that time.

GracieStriking - interesting, tito says he was never left out cold - lee murray is smiling to himself somewhere right now.

 I doubt it, he's on 23hr lockdown in a Moroccan Jail...

GracieStriking - interesting, tito says he was never left out cold - lee murray is smiling to himself somewhere right now.

weird. It's like there is an entire thread on this