Tito is fighting for the freedom of meth addicts everywhere.
You cant say what drug is the hardest to kick. Different people have very different experiences. A friend of mine who battled drugs for many years says heroin withdrawal was nothing compared to alcohol withdrawal. Actually alcohol is the only kind of withdrawal that can kill you and you can buy that shit everywhere.
Detoxing from herion (or any opiads) can kill you too. Not that it matters, but Herion is 100000x more addicting IMO. And kicking meth from what I have personally witnessed is nothing compared to kicking herion. It really bumbs me out watching the young kids today who are all strung out on oxyconton and vicodin ect... They think because its a pharmacutical that its not as bad as herion, but it is the EXACT same thing. And meth is just tearing familys (mostly the 909) apart.
damn I didnt know this....intense
Funny if UG fellers were pros at drug beating.
Everywhere, but of course here too....... Anytime you admit problems, people will throw them in your face for the rest of your life...