Now that USADA came in" Urijah Faber during a heated debate with Dominick Cruz. I think Dom won this exchange
Dom calls him out on him being the head of the team whilst this is happening and then one of the interviewers interrupts them. Claim is made at 11 minutes. Blue please!!
Sorry if old news or threads made already!
Interesting that Faber said that.
Maybe that exchange, but Faber won the overall battle here. Cruz says Faber hasnt been fighting the best, while we all complain about his constant title shots.
I think Cruz wins this fight either way.
Man I've always looked at team alpha male
As in
Joe, Faber, Chad and TJ
And just thought how the hell have non of these guys popped ever
Faber has been owning Cruz on the mic to be honest.
I saw this video on Facebook.
Faber's made it sound like he has knowledge of other fighters taking PED's.
Holy shit that interviewer is horrible. I wouldn't be surprised if TJ was on PEDs for the Barao fights.
Colin and his cohost are idiots
Cruz takes it, as Cruz has said in interviews, Faber hasn't improved his standup game since 2007.
When the guy who brought you up in the sport makes that statement like Faber did it means you used.
Dillashaw was fighting dirty 100% guaranteed. No way Faber says that without knowing.
Shit just got real
I really hope it's not true that Dillashaw was on steroids.
OVER_HYPEDorUNDER_PAID -Faber has beaten Dom though.ShanTheMan - Maybe that exchange, but Faber won the overall battle here. Cruz says Faber hasnt been fighting the best, while we all complain about his constant title shots.Lol
I think Cruz wins this fight either way.
What did faber do?
He got finished by the guy his grandson used for target practice.
Faber doesn't deserve this fight and faber is years behind Dominick.
Don't get me wrong Faber is a strong veteran but he's just not intellectually or technically on Doms level.
He may never be. Dom is a special human being and the greatest Bantamweight champion ever.
OVER_HYPEDorUNDER_PAID -I agree Dominic will win this fight, basd on Faber's recent performances.ShanTheMan - Maybe that exchange, but Faber won the overall battle here. Cruz says Faber hasnt been fighting the best, while we all complain about his constant title shots.Lol
I think Cruz wins this fight either way.
What did faber do?
He got finished by the guy his grandson used for target practice.
Faber doesn't deserve this fight and faber is years behind Dominick.
Don't get me wrong Faber is a strong veteran but he's just not intellectually or technically on Doms level.
He may never be. Dom is a special human being and the greatest Bantamweight champion ever.
That aside, Faber is winning the verbal battle by a landslide. Thats what I was referring to originally.
I'd like to come on the blonde girls mouth
I disagree. I feel Dom is winning the verbal simply because everything he says is calm, it's fact, it's statistic and faber is emotional, interrupts everything and is trash talking, talks himself in circles. Just don't think he is coming off well. Seriously tho, in the UFC who has faber beaten in non title fights? Id say Michael McDonald or maybe Eddie wineland are his biggest wins but certainly a decision win over Frankie saenz isn't enough to Warrant a title shot?
DisIsDeRiddumOfDeNite - Faber has been owning Cruz on the mic to be honest.This right here. Love when he busts on Dom's poor grammar. That has to hurt as I believe Dom fancies himself as an intellectual.
Good thread