good money
good hours
in sudbury mass
email me asap, black belts onlly please:
if you end up emailing me post so I can keep the thread alive
Where at?
The guy does the flying kicks over little kids!!!
He almost had him with that sweet TKD headlock.
Did he lose via Tombstone?
Kneeblock - It's a tarp.
oh no! a tarp? is he gonna throw it over our heads when it rains?
that Travis Fulton video never gets old
you know that guy was pumped up with all his thoughts of top shelf TKD moves and then BOOOOM
take my doe
you guys are A-holes:)
I am a blue belt under dan simmler and I run my own mma gym in sudbury ma. I don't teach, my mma teacher is a div 3 all american who is 3-0 mma. We actually have a great program going, but youth TKD pays the bills. If anyone is a bb in tkd or knows somone who is and wants some hours please pass the word along.
I Teach IWTF TKD - I originally got my BB under Choi in the ITF. I now teach the 3 Zones System if you are interested..
I'm not kidding...
12 years of TKD and 4 years of teaching in a Dojang.
6 years teaching online.
I took my kid to a TKD birthday party somewhere out in that area about five years ago. I wonder if it's the same school.
Even though I'm a big basher of TKD, I have to admit that the party was a blast. Kids had a great time. They have that shit down to a science.
Too bad BJJ hasn't bridged that market.
A question for you... if the focus is kids TKD, do you really need a BB?
Good post Pooh.
Though a Black Belt looks good to the parents.
TKD is great for kids. Any MA is. I was never sure about BJJ as until I saw a guy at SBG here teach the kids. I was blown away by them.