TMA sayings/mottos

TMA, especially TCMA, have many sayings to aid in studying the art. what are your TMA sayings?

here are some WCK sayings from a forum member's excellent site (hope he doesn't mind me posting this):

The students who make black belt aren't the ones who are best, they're the ones who are left.

We don't cut when there is an opening in the body; we cut the opening in the mind. (Kendo)

Don't be there anymore. (On defense)

You must use stomach. If you are like this (hunched forward), you must drink more beer and get like this (stomach forward). (Oishi judo)

talk about fayg's owing email!!!

bro, i cc'd you from my work email. email me!!!

u lucky i am busy with work, i will go through with my threat of romoshopping yo a$$ until i get an email from you.

"Hesitation is meditation in a horizontal position."

"The stick seeks bone while the knife seeks flesh." (Kali saying)

When I asked my teacher how long I should hold a static position he said "Until You Smell Burning Pork".. Still not quite sure what that means.


Do you mean 'sayings' as in "when faced with a life or death situation, choose death - that way you can never be defeated"?

Or do you mean 'sayings' as in names for techniques (that's what appeared to be on the site from 10 secs looking at it) as in "child prays on the lotus leaf" or "old man carries the pole"?

Check out the Bubishi for the latter.

For the latter, I remember hearing "Jade Monkey Serves Tea" as a stance name when visiting a Wu Shu school. I couldn't tell if that was really cool or just weird.

i mean sayings like in this link from Wing Chun Kuen

so like the first you said, but part of it is as you said in 2nd part, with the descriptive names of the techniques

beware the "monkey steals peaches" technique

Technique name." Squeezing the peach."

Oh yeah, we called that "breaking the eggs".

nah, those are not descriptive enough, you need to add in the animal

"Dragon seeks path!"
"Dragon whips its tail!"
-- Return of the Dragon

Sorry, couldn't resist.

lol - nice.

Yiu ma hup yat !

Hips and stance must be one

nice NG!

Fear no man, respect all men.

"If do right, no can defend"


1) "You can't get hit if you're the one doin' all the hittin'."

Favourite saying of my first karate instructor.

2) "If you want to capture the tiger's cub, you have to enter the lair of the tiger."

Ditto of my first Judo instructor.

3) "If you abandon your art for one day, it abandons you for two."

Heard this from an aikidoka just back from Japan.

And my own MA mottoes (clearly a sign of advancing age):

a) "Judo is like flying -- any class you can walk away from is a good class."

b) "Tap early, tap often!"

"Kung fu is in the legs" Yin Chiao Zhen

"Practise till you lose your mind" Li Tai Liang