TME: Chris Brennan

I recently watched his worlds flying arm bar and his no gi sweeps DVD. Any other info on him would be cool. I know he was big in KOTC. Phone Post 3.0

He's the king of the fucking kimura!

I was lucky enough to live & train at his school in orange county fro about three months in 2002.

Chris started off at the Gracie Torrance academy around mid 90's then went to brazil and trained with Roger Brooking (who later opened one of the first BJJ clubs in the UK). He also did a lot of training with Marco Ruas when he bgan his MMA fighting career. His school in orange county was one of the first exclusively NoGi BJJ schools in the US.

At the time I got there Chris had just got back from fighting Gomi in Shooto in japan and had previously fought heaps of other big names including Pat Millitech three times.

His school had many top level fighters who were just outside of UFC level ( bearing in mind at that time there was only 4 ufc's a year so it was a bit tougher to get on the big show)

Fighters who trained at his show included Quinton Jackson ( he left just before I got there), Mike Guymon, Jeremy Williams RIP, a very young Ian Mc Call and his brother Brad, & many others who I'll probably remember later.

I think a years after I was there he moved with his family from California to Texas and has just recently started competing again.

Hear the man does an awesome seminar. Phone Post 3.0

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

From what I've seen his bjj is very simple yet effective. Sticking to being efficient. Phone Post 3.0