Toast(ed) Thread

You’ve just finished your sixth Beck’s Dark, a drink you would never purchase on your own, but it was given to you as a birthday gift. You’ve also gotten into the Bacardi 151, a small bottle that you keep on the top shelf. If it is discovered, you will suggest that you needed it for a recipe.

You feel connected to humanity, you’re getting a bit “handsy,” and you turn off your phone because you know from experience that you’ll end up texting your wife’s friend and “crossing the line” again.

So you turn your thoughts to MMA. What do you toast, to the imaginary room of friends as you are all alone, drinking again?

Here is mine:

A TOAST. To Gary Goodridge. You went internet this year, and you went internet hard. May your book sales run like Kalib Starnes, but in the forward way, not in the reverse kind.

starts his slow clap

I like it 2 Jupes

superCalo and AusInformant, next macro import is on me, naturally alcOhol-free in one case or the other.

 Here's to your Fuck, Frank

smoogy -  Here's to your Fuck, Frank

This guy right here


the guy

Jupes the only time I want my drink alcohol free is when its empty good sir.

Here's a toast to bas and his rang a dang dang.

A toast to Nick Diaz. May you some day finish a grammatically correct sentence.

A small toast to Chuck Liddell, may your duties be few and your bitches plenty. 


I feel like I'm looking at an arrangement of candles in a Spanish cathedral.


superCalo - Last night I drank the remains of the night befores $100 bottle of wine, unfortunatly there was only a glass left so I had to open the usual $10 bottle next, it was so poor in comparison for a wine I normally like that I was near tears, I went from great joy to a slow state of depression, from something so amazing to something so medicore, such is life we go from bronzed Gods into wrinrkled feeble old men, thus did I pour the inferior ferment of grape down the sink and indulge in a dram or two of 40 year old Whiskey, once again all was well with the world, the sun would once again rise tomorrow, and thus it did.

 What happened to being a Muslim and not drinking alcohol?

superCalo is a Christian Muslim who has a complicated way of expressing his plural faiths, as anyone who has carefully followed his posts knows.

diaz might say that because youre too drunk and not drunk enough; you should quit drinking cuz pot-smokers have bigger pay-days.

I've got him covered.

toasts Phone Post

superCalo - 
Bat21 - 
superCalo - Last night I drank the remains of the night befores $100 bottle of wine, unfortunatly there was only a glass left so I had to open the usual $10 bottle next, it was so poor in comparison for a wine I normally like that I was near tears, I went from great joy to a slow state of depression, from something so amazing to something so medicore, such is life we go from bronzed Gods into wrinrkled feeble old men, thus did I pour the inferior ferment of grape down the sink and indulge in a dram or two of 40 year old Whiskey, once again all was well with the world, the sun would once again rise tomorrow, and thus it did.

 What happened to being a Muslim and not drinking alcohol?

I am opposed to alcohol except for recreational purposes as I stated above

Sounds like the Somali Muslims that live here. They are the "We're Muslim but we still sell drugs, shoot the town up and launder our money in the casino" types.

Drunken hug to Italian folk songs on the juke box to racialist in 35 minutes

Zed, you are welcome in my home on brief notice.

Bobby Lupo is the reason fist bumps with residual Biturica were invented.