Tom DeBlass and Comprido agree 2 match @ Metamoris

TomDeBlass: @OpenMatRadio @compridobjj @RalekGracie @MetamorisPro we are both in. Make it happen please. Our video got 20 thousand views in one day.

Match at the Nogi worlds was controversial. DeBlass got restarted after passing Comprido's guard. Phone Post 3.0

NICE Phone Post 3.0

Five offered to host it but it's too close to tom's fight with Mo. Both guys are in for a Metamoris match. Let's hope ralek sets it up. Fans want it, fighters both want it and there's a good natural storyline to hype it. Phone Post 3.0

I swear I watched this match over the weekend and I thought Tom got the win. Then I see on Facebook a controvery and Tom is not happy. Anybody want to explain?

Open Mat Radio - Five offered to host it but it's too close to tom's fight with Mo. Both guys are in for a Metamoris match. Let's hope ralek sets it up. Fans want it, fighters both want it and there's a good natural storyline to hype it. Phone Post 3.0
Let them be the secret match Phone Post 3.0

shark tank - I swear I watched this match over the weekend and I thought Tom got the win. Then I see on Facebook a controvery and Tom is not happy. Anybody want to explain?

Explain what? Tom got screwed by the referee.

They restart. Ref signals for them to start, Tom passes guard. Comprido complains that they didn't restart in the right spot so the referee decides to start that sequence over. On the new restart, Comprido basically starts in deep halfguard.

I thought Tom was going to win so I switched mats then found out he got screwed.

vid of first match?

You can see comprido is not even trying when Tom passes because he knows the ref started them in the wrong position Phone Post 3.0

Dirty Dick Slater - You can see comprido is not even trying when Tom passes because he knows the ref started them in the wrong position Phone Post 3.0
The right position was Tom in top in half guard with an underhook and Comprido flattened out. Instead the ref started Comprido in an ideal half guard position. Phone Post 3.0

Is there video of the entire sequence? Not the clip where Tom passes and then the restart is shown. Let's see 20 seconds before that. Where the action was stopped, competitors moved, and then reset.

This whole match was ridiculous. I flattened Comprido out about 6 times to only get one advantage. Then as I'm knee slicing through he Jits me with a stalling penalty. Then, I'm posting on his neck and ear slicing the knee and he penalizes me a point for that?!? Finally I have his arm under hooked and head smashed inbounds and he stops us. Restarts us in neutral half gaurd. Ref says go. I go, I pass. Ref stops it,starts comprido with a deep half gaurd underhook and me no underhook. This was like a bad episode of bjj Saturday night live. Before the match comprido had on illegal shorts because of the patch placement. So they ask me if I had an extra pair! When I say no they let him compete anyway. I won world, national, and pan am titles in IBJJF. I'll be back, but this was just sad. Metamoris expressed interest for this match in Metamoris 6 so please show your support. Comprido is a legend but this was terrible. Everyone in the building was appalled.

Thanks for the response Tom. Good luck against Mo and in getting the rematch, personally I think it's great for the "secret match". Phone Post 3.0

This rematch needs to happen!



I have a hard time believing that a Brazilian ref would screw over and American competitor.

Sounds like a match I wouldn't pay to see.

Mrbrownfolks - I have a hard time believing that a Brazilian ref would screw over and American competitor.

Came here.
To say this.

Def want this! Phone Post 3.0

Question, and no disrespect intended, but has anyone asked Ralek Gracie about making this match yet?