Too old to start?

If I move in a couple months, I might be training at a Police Athletic League. The officer in charge said they welcome beginners, all age groups, etc.

I'm 33, was once reasonably athletic, and I'm steadily getting back in shape now. I have 2 years of BJJ (with shitty attendance because of law school, work, marriage, and injuries) but no real striking experience. I'm looking forward to something different, but I'm worried I'm too old and my reflexes are too fried for the physical rigors of boxing.

What can I do in the way of conditioning to get prepared? I'm not going to be able to afford BJJ or judo for a while down there, so it's pretty much boxing or nothing for a while, and I think I'll enjoy boxing if I can just get prepared. I don't know though. :(

Like Auswilliam said, not too old to have fun with it. You decide how hard to push yourself when you train. If you need to take a break take a break. The coach should be open to this, it would be different if you were training for a fight.

hell, if you turn out to be a natural puncher it's not too late to train for the pro's. just have the will to endure being smacked around by guys half your age while you are learning. there are alot of 35+ journeyman fighters with no athletic ability at all running around

Read The Gloves by Robert Anasi. It's his story of training for the Golden Gloves in NYC for his last year of eligibility at age 35. Then, age gets moved to 36, so he fights then as well.

NO! You are not too old. I train with a guy who is 58, he started when he was 40, and he is there, religiously, 4 nights a week. He can go 8 rounds and not even breathe, and he could make most of the guys in the gym look bad if he wanted. He is a real inspiration. I am 32 and I'm only a young kid. Come on!

There is only one way to find out...

The Gloves by Robert Anasi is an excellent read by the way.