Took a fight for 11/19.

Took an amateur boxing fight for Saturday 11/19. The show will be at the New Brunswick Boxing Gym at 121 Jersey Ave. in New Brunswick, NJ. I expect to be in the ring around 10:30 but there'll be at least 6 good fight before me and probably a super-heavy after. Can't beat it at $15 a ticket.

Took the fight at 190 but I was told that might change to 195, depending on what this chump can do with his weight. Check out my pics section at for complete shots taken by my girlfriend tonight of me at 202. Doesn't look like I really need to cut any wieght for this, as you can see i'm holding some water and will drop naturally when training picks up. That means I won't be losing any muscle. Shit, I can even drop some fat on top of the water and make 187 if I had to, without giving up any strength.

All I know about the opponent is that he trains in Old Bridge, NJ and he's 205 now and not very lean. But we're about 5 weeks out and anybody who knows anything about amatuer boxing knows anything can change - from the date to the weight to the opponent.

Only nagging injury is some "pain" in my right wrist (don't know or want to know the cause). Right now i'm fine as long as I wrap properly. Worked out pretty good today sparring, bag and mits and had no problem throwing the right with all the heat i'm known for! I'll keep you posted! Anyone in the area within 15 lbs. who wants to work out a little to help me out, get in touch.

Maybe someone who knows how can post the pics and people can give me some feedback Re: whether to just cut water to make 190-195 or to actually start losing fat and rop to 185.

I think I have plenty of time and can do either without losing muscle. And If I want they'll definately find me a guy at 185.

ttt for some input from the trainers here. Singer bros, Scrapper etc.?


TTT.. good luck

Thanks guys!


for Adam:




Here's a tip, try not to have the lighting behind the subject in your photo's.

Oh, and keep your chin down hands up, work the jab, stick and move, throw punches in bunches, get off first, punch on the way out too, finish each round strong and ........

"Here's a tip, try not to have the lighting behind the subject in your photo's."

Man my girl took those pictures with her cellphone. Niether of us know anything about photography. I only needed them to be good enough to give myself a general idea of where I was at with 5 weeks to go.


i haven't heard from Adam since this fight....wonder what happened?

TTT for results....