today, and in all my life, my legs have never been so fuggin terminated. i don't see myself doing anything but recovering for the next day. HUGE day for crowd in whistler today and i can't move. all we did was the summit into tight trees, OVER AND OVER.
I just looked it up and that's gay-speak for taking a 13in. by 4in. glass ribbed dildo in the hiny-hole for 13.28 minutes of deepstroke pleasure and finishing off two gay-cacks orally while sucking a fifth of Sang Thip wiskey sucked through a straw into your nasal passages.
Ah, cliff with trees. The ultimate in terror when it comes to skiing/snowboarding. One false move within that blur of speed and it's ka-boom into a tree with all that downward momentum behind it.
careful there bub, you barely healed your last concussion. btw, it's occurred to me that you literally go snowboarding in foreign countries more often than I get my ass out surfing...