Took a pic with Rampage last night outside Tao

Knux -  Tiki is Rampage's Antonio Banuelos, only way less cool.


if it read that i wouldnt have clicked on it...

 pics usually = epic fail but i'll post it...

Photobucket VIP @ PURE Photobucket TAO Photobucket met 2009 NBA FINALS CHAMPION ANDREW BYNUM Photobucket and my favorite fighter minus tiki... Photobucket

Mr.SelfDestruct - 
Kr0ndogg -  i was the Asian dude that acted like a groupie last night. what can i say, he's my favorite fighter.

I saw Tiki walk by and drunk as hell said..."HEY YOU'RE TIKI!!!" and then realized that wherever Tiki is, Rampage is always leading the way and sure enough 10 feet ahead was my MMA hero. i yelled GL and kick rashad's ass and made my merry way. then realized i had a perfect picture opportunity with the former UFC LHW Champion. and sure enough he didn't let me down.

no i didn't do the "fist pose" like FRB would do. and then went back into the VIP @ Tao's. If you don't know where/what Tao is. LOL @ your Mom's Basement redneck ass.

but the real question Tiki like Rampage's bitch/assistant/handler/bodyguard(lol) or something? 

You should have asked him last night when you had the chance pussy
tiki talks? thought he was mute?


la vengeance - pic....? was Rampage an ass or was he pretty nice. I keep hearing from people he's an asshole.

 great guy, considering i was drunk and yelling at him as he walked down the stairs. and then still let me take a pic.

photoshop o me and cre imminent...


I love how people talk shit to Kr0n... but they are doing it from behind a computer screen, on a mma forum, with 95% dudes on a Saturday night.

Looks to me like hes living it up. Good for you man. John Juanda give you any poker tips?


great pic's and thank u

rampage is one of my favorite fighter too

thanks for sharing!

i dont care, if rampage is doing the fist pose in the photo, you had to do it to.

is that andrew bynum in one of the pics?

did anybody see the "rampage and tiki go to best buy" video?

those dudes are like the perfect example of living life and having fun. Plus when we were in Nashville for Fight Night in April, Rampage was dancing in the crowd (trying to anyway) then him and Tiki stole the time keepers air horn and tried to get Dana with it but it was the empty one.

Def a great guy!

 Thanks for sharing

Did you pose as a sushi chef to get in?

 Never post a picture of yourself, never take a picture of yourself, or allow others to take pictures of you, ever again.

 good shit Kron

i like the first pic with u and machida

fiercedragon - 
la vengeance - pic....? was Rampage an ass or was he pretty nice. I keep hearing from people he's an asshole.

nice guy, but no houston alexander...

No one is....well maybe Kevin Randleman.

Thanks Kron you da pimp