i was the Asian dude that acted like a groupie last night. what can i say, he's my favorite fighter.
I saw Tiki walk by and drunk as hell said..."HEY YOU'RE TIKI!!!" and then realized that wherever Tiki is, Rampage is always leading the way and sure enough 10 feet ahead was my MMA hero. i yelled GL and kick rashad's ass and made my merry way. then realized i had a perfect picture opportunity with the former UFC LHW Champion. and sure enough he didn't let me down.
no i didn't do the "fist pose" like FRB would do. and then went back into the VIP @ Tao's. If you don't know where/what Tao is. LOL @ your Mom's Basement redneck ass.
but the real question is...is Tiki like Rampage's bitch/assistant/handler/bodyguard(lol) or something?
why make a thread without a pic
Pic's or it simply gets chalked up as a glitch in the matrix. I suggest you choose your next post wisely Mr.Kronderson.
Kr0ndogg - i was the Asian dude that acted like a groupie last night. what can i say, he's my favorite fighter.
I saw Tiki walk by and drunk as hell said..."HEY YOU'RE TIKI!!!" and then realized that wherever Tiki is, Rampage is always leading the way and sure enough 10 feet ahead was my MMA hero. i yelled GL and kick rashad's ass and made my merry way. then realized i had a perfect picture opportunity with the former UFC LHW Champion. and sure enough he didn't let me down.
no i didn't do the "fist pose" like FRB would do. and then went back into the VIP @ Tao's. If you don't know where/what Tao is. LOL @ your Mom's Basement redneck ass.
but the real question is...is Tiki like Rampage's bitch/assistant/handler/bodyguard(lol) or something?
You should have asked him last night when you had the chance pussy
Just re-watched his fight w/ Forrest yesterday. I loved it when he told Joe "When U step in this Octagon there's a 50/50 chance YOU GONNA GET YOUR ASS WHOOPED!".
He's a great guy, I met him at UFC 44. He was a little upset because Tito got his butt kicked by Randy, but he was still nice to me and took a pic.
TTT 4 Rampage.
pic....? was Rampage an ass or was he pretty nice. I keep hearing from people he's an asshole.
la vengeance - pic....? was Rampage an ass or was he pretty nice. I keep hearing from people he's an asshole.
Naw, He's a super cool guy. Used to see him around a lot and casually talk to him. Always chill and good to his fans.
Pics of hot chicks in Tao???
Tiki is Rampage's Antonio Banuelos, only way less cool.
PICS or all you did with this thread is call tiki a bitch.
Kr0ndogg - If you don't know where/what Tao is. LOL @ your Mom's Basement redneck ass.
hmmmmm... trying to think of derogatory asian stereotype comeback ... too many to chose from, system overload.
wheres the picture dummy
CRE - Tiki's a bitch?
"no i didn't do the "fist pose" like FRB would do. and then went back into the VIP @ Tao's."
Kr0ndogg how come you were worried about meeting me before? Did you think I was really going to woop your ass?
I just wanted to make it up in the VIP @ TAO's ;[
pics or die
Kr0ndogg if you have a sister then you should introduce Rampage to her.
he likes the asian ones.
this thread sucks.