Topuria: Confident but resume isn’t all that

Maybe those with outlandish confidence make it fun to root for or against someone and creates fight hype and acknowledge Topuria is one of the best new gen FW contenders in a while but he still hasn’t beaten an elite guy.

His UFC record is legit and has 4 finishes out of his 6 wins. One of those decisions he battered Emmett. Emmett is also his best win. Emmett was also a legit run prior to Yair but Yair finished him. Emmett is also 38 and has huge hands but is kinda one dimensional. Topuria fortunately has also not had to face Max, Yair, Ortega, Kattar, etc. And he’s already saying if he wins he’s not sure if he’ll give them a shot blah blah. And he’s already a superstar. Yada yada.

So he’s clearly not a superstar, he’s barely a star. And he’s clearly gonna have to fight those guys if he wins. Yeah he’s talking shit and getting attention. Fine.

This situation reminds me a bit of how Connor’s road the title was paved conveniently. Prior to getting the title shot, while he was blowing guys out of the water, he his best win was Siver. He did of course eventually run over Mendes and Aldo.

And as everyone knows, Volk is coming off a KO and is on the wrong side of 30 as a champ. Topuria does have those significant odds in his favor. But she aside, can’t see Volk getting dominated in a striking battle against someone like Topuria…although Topuria has power and is technical and rounded.

What does everyone else think of Topuria’s actual chances?


Topuria has very good boxing skills. He throws good combos correctly and effectively and mixes them up well. In the pocket he takes one to give one, and that’s always a gamble. I give him a good chance in this fight. However, I wouldn’t count Volk out one bit. He has more reach I believe, he has speed and he also mixes it up and throws from both stances. Based on experience and the fact that he’s been in there with some top notch opponents, I’d give him the edge, but as always, “anything can happen.”


He hits harder than Volk too but…he’s gonna have to level up big time from Mitchell and Emmett to Volk. But timing is def is on his side with the KO and age. Still, Volk is as technical and tricky as it comes so again he’s def gonna have to bring a leveled up game.


Op is right.

I see Ilia as a future champ of the division but I feel like he’s making a huge leap here in facing Volk so soon. Volk most likely gives him a lesson.

Hope so. Will be interesting to see Topiria deal with Volks tricks.


Laura Sanko mentions the Connor comparison here too as well but regarding the pre fight proclamations.

I do have to say Topurias proclamations make me want to see him lose badly.


He did get lit up by Jai Herbert, but also showed great heart and chin there. He’s looked great in his last two.

Volk probably schools him (if Volk shows his usual form as opposed to being washed now that he’s been KO’d).