Torres and the Karate Hottie give me hope

For women’s mma…their fight last night was pretty good and this is coming from someone that usually leaves the room when a women’s fight comes on…Torres was very scrappy, really good hands and head movement…Waterson, even though she was overmatched, has a nice striking arsenal as well…these 2 girls used movement and threw nice looking, effective strikes whereas most women basically play rock en sock en robots with their chins up

Is Torres undefeated?who has beat her?who is champion of her division?

The answer to your questions are Thug Rose.

Official record is 10-1 

shes 1-1 against the current champ, Rose 

If you like that, then you seriously are missing out on the elite female fighters. Those 2 are good, but still lack a lot of basic technical skills and understanding of aspects of mma… Joanna, Thug rose, and Claudia are on another level.

CountMarkula - If you like that, then you seriously are missing out on the elite female fighters. Those 2 are good, but still lack a lot of basic technical skills and understanding of aspects of mma... Joanna, Thug rose, and Claudia are on another level.

Seriously, THIS…

maybe you shouldnt have walked out on the other womens fights cuz this one was terrible.

Torres looks like a team alpha male fighter with boobs… seriously that’s some good Mexican supplements she’s on