Torres got KTFO!

 Man can't believe Bowles pulled it off!

 Why not. Its not like Torres is invincible.

Hes lost before and he lost again.

Anyone can win on any given night. Well except Forrest last night.

But thats the beauty of MMA!

i'm just glad the miguel torres hype is finally over. some people were ranking this dude as #1 P4P. lol

PJ Benn Fan -  Why not. Its not like Torres is invincible.

Hes lost before and he lost again.

Anyone can win on any given night. Well except Forrest last night.

But thats the beauty of MMA!

 I didn;t mean it literally lol.

caliphornia - i'm just glass the miguel torres hype is finally over. some people were ranking this dude as #1 P4P. lol


caliphornia - i'm just glass the miguel torres hype is finally over. some people were ranking this dude as #1 P4P. lol

 yeah, Frank Mir and probably him alone lol

Probably get merged now. Their two biggest names Urijah and Torres have been dethroned.

caliphornia - i'm just glass the miguel torres hype is finally over. some people were ranking this dude as #1 P4P. lol

Yeah, because 37-1 as a pro record just WREAKS of over-hype....

JT42382 - 
caliphornia - i'm just glass the miguel torres hype is finally over. some people were ranking this dude as #1 P4P. lol

 yeah, Frank Mir and probably him alone lol

LOL. Im sure Frank will still make Miguel feel like a man later on tonight.


That was a scary KO - lots of hard unanswered shots

The only reason Miguel has been hyped so much is the WEC needs people like him and Faber for marketing.

quidnunc - The only reason Miguel has been hyped so much is the WEC needs people like him and Faber for marketing.

Oh, I thought it was for beating 30 something guys in a row.

I had a feeling in the back of my mind that Bowles was going to pull of the upset, but it still feels weird that it actually happened. I think the fact that he was 36-1 before this fight is what really makes it so surprising.

 Was this a bigger upset than when Brown defeated Faber?