Torres takes responsibily for twitter firing

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                                Torres takes responsibily for twitter firing

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                    <p>&quot;&ldquo;I have a lot to be thankful for in my life, I have my beautiful wife  and daughter, my family, my health, my gym, and in terms of my career, I  succeeded to the biggest stage in the sport of mixed martial arts, the  Ultimate Fighting Championship.  I am very sorry for upsetting my bosses  at the UFC, and also to my fans and everyone else who was upset by the  language in my tweets.  I understand it was wrong, and I meant no harm  or disrespect.  Given the chance, I will do whatever it takes to make  things right. I am going to learn from this.  I think life throws you  opportunities that can make you a better person, and so that&rsquo;s what I&rsquo;m  going to do here. That is how I am going to react. I am going to use  this to improve myself, and I hope that my fans will continue to support  me.&rdquo;</p>
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His response was as expected and Im more then positive he will make a return to the UFC. Phone Post

Only smart response.

only this time he'll have to buy a ticket like the rest of us comedians

My $ says that was written by UFC attorney's. He will come back an there will be some formal rules set and disciplinary action as well Phone Post

Good Phone Post

MentaL -    You don't need to apologise Miguel. Dana needs to apologise for his crock of shit calls. Lorenzo needs to get another guy in to work with Dana because the stress is evidently getting to him. As a fan of the sport I don't want it represented by a load mouth bald headed man with godfather syndrome.

thankfully Torres has a bit more intelligence than that and he's done the right thing.

excellent job Torres. very nice.

CajunPest - My $ says that was written by UFC attorney's. He will come back an there will be some formal rules set and disciplinary action as well Phone Post

you could be right. whatever the case they're finally handling shit like this the right way.

Give the kid a break. Phone Post

Perfect response.

Interesting fact in all this is both Rashad and Miguel are represented by Glenn Rice. Phone Post

 Torres is an awesome guy. The tweet was obviously a huge, huge mistake, but it does not reflect who he is, at all.

A tv comedy about rape van I don't know about though.

Wise approach by Torres. Imho, it's best to be contrite, just keep on fighting, and he can find his way back in the UFC sooner rather than later.

It's done now and it behooves him to not dispute the UFC's decision. I'm sorry it had to happen this way and to such a great fighter but I think we'll see him back in the UFC again.

Why have they not drawn up an official UFC Constitution which outlines the kind of behavior a fighter is expected to model while under contract by the UFC? All fighters should be required to read and understand this document upon signing their contract with a promise to obide by a certain code of ethics both in and away from the sport as representatives of the organization. The NFL has a personal conduct policy which all players are expected to obide by at all times and it is implemented with great effect.

When a fighter acts out of order or says something stupid there should be an official inquiry before any hasty decisions are made on a suitable punishment for the offense, providing one is even warranted. An investigation into the circumstances of the offense could determine whether there was reckless or malicious intent, or whether it was something as simple as quoting a television show in a ill timed attempt at humor before they make a decision that could drastically effect a fighters future.

If the UFC wants to be perceived as a professional sports organization on the same level as the others major sports organizations, it needs to renovate it's own house to better represent one before it can be taken seriously. Having one hot headed president acting and reacting in the heat of the moment without collecting all the facts, or allowing enough time for due process to run it's course is no longer acceptable. 

edit: yes I pasted this from a thread I attempted that sunk like the Edmund case you are the one guy who might recognize the post.

Why do I have a feeling the deal with Fox is going to change Dana White and the UFC a lot. I do not condone rape, or anything close to it, but clearly the guy was joking. People have said and done MUCH worse and didn't lose their job. I wonder how Rampage would be treated NOW if he had his incident with police, or when Tito got arrested, etc. This just is not consistant with actions the UFC has taken in the past for much worse.


I am usually a big BLAF supporter but to derail a career because of a bad tweet is too far.

The only person who should be perma-banned from the UFC for their behavior is Paul Daley.

If Daley is in the 'maybe' pile, Miguel should have his job back next week

Instead of telling him he's been "fired" they should just tell him he's been put on "permanent vacation". Everyone loves vacation. Phone Post



lol you guys got played Phone Post