Total Combat Anniversary Show!

LOL............... you know, B@@M!!! hahahhahaha

someones imping her??

It's hotlink protection. The web site of the image she tried to post has anti leaching protection. That's why instead of the boom.gif she tried to use on this page she got that whateverthehellitis

you guys see something different??


How come I just see an explosive Boom? Do I need to change it? OMG, I'm a bandwidth thief................

*runs to hide*

pretends to be tumbleweed

I really wish I could see what you guys see....... sheesh.

packs small suitcase for visit to jail cell

hold the ctrl key down and hit the r key or hold the ctrl key and hit refresh

"I really wish I could see what you guys see....... sheesh. "

no you don't Momita! lol

yeah you might just want to edit it without looking at it ;)

hahahaha, I almost hit the finished button after editing when I realized I had typed "I pulled a boner", then quickly fixed it.

Guess that woulda went over big eh? 

hmm, maybe I shoulda went with the "imping" thing.............

hahaha. Mom, its a girl hanging upside down with yellow shit flying out of her ass and all over her. i see no "BOOM".


I fixed it, but it still looked like BOOM, how did that happen?? How does someone change a pic like that?

And why on earth would someone hang upside down & poop on themselves? Now I ask you...... good lord, not like a person can't find somthing to do when their bored.....

oh sheesh

and your forgeting about the police harrassment, the fights you get in cause your talking to a hot chick. etc.

I never get in fights for talking to hot chicks capthook..... honest.

heres whats up so far Monty..........

I'll post them here once the card is full!

okey dokey......................... :-)

de nada, heh heh


*still feeling bad for upside down girl pooping on herself*

 for sherdog!!!

 I saw you at the last one, I was waving at you from the 2 nd floor sherdog!!! 

(no it wasn't a big wrinkle waving in the breeze, sheesh, just me)

I heard Erik Apple is fighting