Touchy Fili tweet

anyone know what he said?

All I saw was the apology

I think he got a little to touchy fili when they went to the ground. Phone Post 3.0

brahmabull81 - he basically made a woman beating joke... which we all do in the privacy of our friends... but you just cant do that on a public platform.

Heres a screengrab of what he had up before he took it down.

To me personally its a mildly funny meme joke.. but with all the domestic violence going on in the sports world right now its about as bad timing as Torres' rape bus joke.

I can see why he took it down. Public figures have gotten into hot water for less in the last few months. Also, it wasn't very funny.

It's unfortunate, but one of the tradeoffs of fame is heightened scrutiny. I can say whatever the fuck I want on social media and the worst that can happen is that I'll get a butthurt reply from some chick I banged in high school.

That's a touchy feelie subject Touchy Fili touched into. Phone Post 3.0

I would say the guy shouldn't get in trouble, but wow what a terrible joke.

He probably just wanted to be part of a meme so rushed the first shitty one he saw through.

Yeah that's pretty bad lol.

Well like probably not the best time to joke about that stuff for all sports Phone Post 3.0

In before more limp wristed fags that can't take a joke that are somehow into fighting. Phone Post 3.0

Will Uncle Fester cut him too now?

Vikingknee - In before more limp wristed fags that can't take a joke that are somehow into fighting. Phone Post 3.0
Limp-wristed fags who don't beat their wives are such fags aren't they? Phone Post 3.0

I love how people thinking deleting their tweets make them go away for ever.

The internet is in permanent ink people.