TRAINING often...??

ill start out by saying im a brickmason so i carry block and brick all day addition to this, i also use a thick handled dumbbell bar for all my backwork, traps etc etc...i also do pullups and different variations from the rafters in my garage...but if i want to train specifically for grip, how often could i train for this, every day??how long rest in between sets?what exercises are best?

it seems as with everything else, grip strength is very genetic..u either have it or you dont..not saying you cant increas it but u get the point..

also, what is a good way to test out your grip strength?whats a good way to measure grip strength without using the grip crushers?

train in the gi.

 I've heard of people doing lots of variations of pullups using a towel thrown over a bar, pulling up using your grips on the towel.

I can also add that when I train in a gi, my opponents with tough grips are far tougher to deal with than an opponent with weak grips.

Olympic weightlifting.

DSaint - Dude if you are truly a brickmason and your grip isn't already head and shoulders above everyone you come into contact with, I don't know what to tell you. I'm just a lowly framer and my grip is crazy strong...and I just pack lumber. The brick layers I know are twice as strong as I am, and I'm no pussy.

This sounds about right

DSaint -  I just pack lumber.  

DSaint - Dude if you are truly a brickmason and your grip isn't already head and shoulders above everyone you come into contact with, I don't know what to tell you. I'm just a lowly framer and my grip is crazy strong...and I just pack lumber. The brick layers I know are twice as strong as I am, and I'm no pussy.


your grip is probably already far, far beyond a regular guy, even a regular guy who trains/grapples regularly. I have no idea why you would want any more power than what brick-masonry has given you...its probably better grip training than anything you could do recreationally.

I've been a stonemason for around 13 years, and my grip is retarded strong, as well as my hands being hard as rock. I've had training partners writhing in pain from simply latching onto an arm or leg to control it.

a lot of hardworking blue collar/labor guys have nightmarishly strong grip. the strongest grip I've ever felt was a brand new white belt who happened to be a carpet kicker...dude had a grip like a felt like he was going to tear my skin off.

I'd say just keep doing what you're doing.

whats a good way to test your grip?i know i have solid grip strength but whats a good way to determine if you have above average grip/what kind of movement or exercise?farmers walk?


I trane my grip every day, unless my wife is in a good mood.