I'm currently in Germany and I need to find a gym and a team to train with. I'm about an hour away from frankfurt. Any one have any info I can get?
Where exactly? Call Chris at 0171-1651531.
I'm in Kaiserslautern
G?tersloh here. Germany is pretty much a desert as far as MMA/grappling training is concerned.
where is that as far as distance to where I'm at
I'd guess a 3-4 hour drive, depending on the traffic. No real training possibilities here either though. I've had a few TMA guys who wanted to roll with me, but once they find out it can be painful and requires hard work, they usually don't feel much like playing anymore.
I don't think there is much in K-town. If you head up to Mainz - Suum Cuique is decent. One of the better trainers in Germany is there. And they train every evening.
Kahlsruhe has a Lute Livre guy - Andreas Schmidt.
I will be leaving the country for awhile but will train Monday evening in Mainz if you can make the trip. They might also know someplace in Kaiserslautern.
Anyway, come up to Mainz the level is on par with some of the better schools in Europe. I think you will be surprised.
EbolaMonkey, maybe a stupid question, but would you know why the place is called "Suum Cuique"?
I'd look for a judo school. Germany has pretty high level judo players, so that may be a better bet. Ask around in the judo forum.
"To each his own"
yep, I know that... motto of the German military police, where I served for 12 years. Just wondering if the place was run be current/former MPs.
There are a couple, plus a few - rather large - bouncers, and some street cops.
Thanks for the info, guess I should pay a visit one of these days. Do you have an adress?
EbolaMonkey How far is Mainz from K-town? I have a class tomorrow but I think I'll dip out to check out the school. What time does it start?
LOL. This is not an easy gym to find. It's a mat space that they have connected and tucked away behind a convention center. To this day I don't know how I found it.
Mattias Werner is the head trainer. You might look at www.german-top-team.com for contact information and sister schools.
Thanks again, I'll check it out.
I can meet you at a Bahnhof or the like. They start rolling 1800 - 1830...
Otherwise I'll give you some contact numbers, I'll be gone Tuesday morning for about 4 months.
They roll no-gi and don't worry about mat fees.
Which Banhof
EbolaMonkey do you have an e-mail that I can e-mail you at?
Go to Panzer Kaserne. Outside the gate was a kickboxing/ judo school. That was about 5 years ago, though.