Training in New Haven, CT!!!

Hey everyone

just a reminder to anyone in the area...
Royce Gracie Jiu Jtisu of New Haven Connecticut is up and running and offering classes at 1227 Chapel St in downtown New Haven. Classes are taught by Royce Gracie purple belt Brad Wolfson and are currently Mon/Wed nights at 8:00PM.
We have a great bunch of guys and girls and a safe and friendly training envirnoment. If anyone is around the New Haven area or happens to be passing through, please check us out.

TTT for Brad and RGJJN New Haven.

ttt (courtesy of RGJNN in Pittsfield, MA)

Make sure you add this school to the grappling club directory at

Congratulations on getting your club open


Go check him out!
What Up Sideburns!

Thanks Rick... not much man.. are you back training and feeling better I hope?

I will add the school to the directory Stephan and thanks...I really enjoy your videos, especially the Omoplata tape...great stuff.

Good training to everyone-Brad

ttt for RGJJN New Haven, CT from RGJJN Pittsfield, MA