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NFL linebacker Dhani Jones' new show... first episode in thailand focusing on muay thai


im glad you posted this in the wrong forum or i wouldve missed it

actually now that I think about it this isnt the wrong forum. The UGers want to know about muay thai not the OGers.

THANK YOU FOR POSTING! I wanted to catch this show so thanks for the reminder



truewrestler - THANK YOU FOR POSTING! I wanted to catch this show so thanks for the reminder

been excited for this show too

 so far, its pretty entertaining. Bugs, mmmmm.

its actually pretty good. a guy like him is perfect for this type of show really. he is a natural all around athlete. looks to pick up technique pretty quick.

im taking dhani by athleticism/size

 nice quote from the guy who said (paraphrasing) "Some men practice like lion, but on fight day, fight like pig."   Truth!

pretty good show, boy they fed him a can. Dude is very athletic, thought he did good with his technique to have only trained a week.


i fuckin forgot