Trouble in MN.

Why do these idiots believe there is some sort of political capital to be gained from this? This is nanny-state bullshit. Simply a way for some nobody state legislator to get his name in the paper and think for one shining moment that he actually matters more than any other human, at the expense of who knows how many people.


H.F. No. 1922,  as introduced - 85th Legislative Session (2007-2008)   Posted on Mar 12, 2007

1.1A bill for an act

1.2relating to boxing; modifying oversight requirements; increasing fees;amending

1.3Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 341.28, subdivision 2, by adding a subdivision;

1.4341.32, subdivision 2; 341.321.


1.6    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 341.28, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

1.7    Subd. 2. Regulatory authority; tough person contests. All tough person contests,

1.8including amateur tough person contests, are subject to this chapter. All tough person

1.9contests are subject to American Boxing Commission (ABC) rules. Every contestant

1.10in a tough person contest shall have a physical examination prior to their bouts. Every

1.11contestant in a tough person contest shall wear padded gloves that weigh at least 12

1.12ounces. All tough person bouts are limited to two-minute rounds and a maximum of four

1.13total rounds. Officials at tough person bouts shall be licensed under this chapter.

1.14    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 341.28, is amended by adding a subdivision

1.15to read:

1.16    Subd. 3. Regulatory authority; similar sporting events. All mixed martial arts,

1.17ultimate fight contests, and similar sporting events are subject to this chapter.

1.18    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 341.32, subdivision 2, is amended to read:

1.19    Subd. 2. Expiration and renewal. A license expires December 31 at midnight in

1.20the year of its issuance issued after the effective date of this act is valid for one year from

1.21the date it is issued and may be renewed by filing an application for renewal with the

1.22commission and payment of the license fee. An application for a license and renewal of a

2.1license must be on a form provided by the commission. There is a 30-day grace period

2.2during which a license may be renewed if a late filing penalty fee equal to the license fee

2.3is submitted with the regular license fee. A licensee that files late shall not conduct any

2.4activity regulated by this chapter until the commission has renewed the license. If the

2.5licensee fails to apply to the commission within the 30-day grace period, the licensee must

2.6apply for a new license under subdivision 1.

2.7    Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 341.321, is amended to read:

2.8341.321 FEE SCHEDULE.

2.9(a) The fee schedule for licenses issued by the Minnesota Boxing Commission

2.10is as follows:

2.11(1) referees, $35 $45 for each initial license and each renewal;

2.12(2) promoters, $400 for each initial license and each renewal;

2.13(3) judges and knockdown judges, $25 $45 for each initial license and each renewal;

2.14(4) trainers, $35 $45 for each initial license and each renewal;

2.15(5) ring announcers, $25 $45 for each initial license and each renewal;

2.16(6) boxers' seconds, $25 $45 for each initial license and each renewal;

2.17(7) timekeepers, $25 $45 for each initial license and each renewal; and

2.18(8) boxers, $35 $45 for each initial license and each renewal.;

2.19(9) managers, $45 for each initial license and each renewal; and

2.20(10) ringside physicians, $45 for each initial license and each renewal.

2.21(b) The commission shall establish and assess an event fee for each sporting event.

2.22The event fee is set at a minimum of $1,500 per event or a percentage of the ticket sales as

2.23determined by the commission when the sporting event is scheduled.

2.24    (c) All fees collected by the Minnesota Boxing Commission must be deposited in

2.25the Boxing Commission account in the special revenue fund.

2.26    Sec. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE.

2.27This act is effective July 1, 2007.

ttt for the cause

TTT for two minute rounds.


this still needs to stay at the top, problem is not solved yet


i'm not seeing a problem with this. is this the entire bill? is there currently rules on the books?

Problem won't be solved until we have something of our own in place.

When I was at the senate hearing last year the now boxing commissioner testified to the senate committee that he wanted the power to regulate MMA so he could raise the fees so high noone could put on a show in MN.

The a rep from the Attorney Generals office saw what was happening and helped us take all MMA language out of the bill. The bill was reintroduced as just boxing legislation.

As you see

"2.21(b) The commission shall establish and assess an event fee for each sporting event.
2.22The event fee is set at a minimum of $1,500 per event or a percentage of the ticket sales as
2.23determined by the commission when the sporting event is scheduled."

He is getting ready to do just that it seems. This language would let him set different fees for each specific event. Not good.

I have no problem with MMA being regulated by the boxing commission as long as a set fee is applied to the bill for MMA comparable to boxing. Also there should be language for adopting rules and regulations in the bill. Without that he could do anything he wanted with MN MMA.

Scott ludoux (sp?) is a crooked person and he should not be the boxing commissioner.

ttt for death matches and head trauma


LeDoux... Welcome to the bandwagon.

I think Eric has set a good model for Minnesota MMA with his shows. We should really draw that up as the standard and regulate MMA from there on our own for now, then propose that set of rules to the State, form a MMA commission, and let them do what they need to do.

Rather than work so hard to get these bills shut down every year, we should start looking to submit our own.

If we got his B and C class fight rules approved by the area's promoters, fighters, and trainers, then put some things in place for Fighter insurance, define pro vs ammy, weigh-ins, etc THEN submitted that as a bill knowingly endorced by the MMA community, I think it would pass.


I think that sounds great

I wonder sometimes if I have a voice only dogs can hear....

MMA=Boxing means idiot refs, worse judges, unnecessary medicals, inflated fees, croneism, stipid rules, overly restricted match making and a dozen other obevious problems. See CA if you want more examples.

Please keep in mind the boxing commish before this one killed boxing. Why do we think this new one; with so many of the same players will be any better? Boxing has their own house to get in order - keep them out of ours.

We have been suggesting our own bill for 2 years. As helpful as the forum is. If people really want to help - please contact me at

To solve this problem will take more then posting. It will take effort and MONEY

Please get involved

I think I have a good plan for a separate commission, I have posted it before. Using a senate committee to oversee the MMA commission and appoint the right MMA educated people into the commission.

Whatever happens it will need some sort of state oversite where people who have a problem can voice their concerns and the commission will have the protection and power of the states Attorney General. I dont see it working otherwise.