Trouble in MN.

"idiot refs, worse judges, unnecessary medicals, inflated fees, croneism, stipid rules, overly restricted match making"

Maybe only dogs can hear you, as I don't agree with most of what you just said. But hey, at least you're now trying to finance the bill.

Idiots referees... Like who? Nick Thompson, whom was never trained or licensed to officiate neither MMA nor boxing, is a better overall official than Mark Nelson? Yeah, not quite. I agree that Mark would more than likely be a complete fuckup in MMA, but we can't continue to have the promoter handpicking whatever official they want.

Worse Judges... Actually, I consider Minnesota to have very good judges. The only time they were ever in question was when there WASN'T a state commission, and the promoters picked and choose who they wanted, thus resulting in scores of 97-93 for Vanda in the Garr fight.

Overly restricted matchmaking... How do you even know that would be the case? Scott LeDoux gave the okay for two boxers that were on 10 + fight losing streaks to fight on Tony Grygelko's Target Center show in November AND January. So, I'm sure he'll give the okay for Kenneth Allen to continue fighting on your local shows. lol.

Stupid Rules... Well, yeah, you're right on that one.

Unnecessary Medicals... Such as? The only unnecessary medical is really the HIV test, which costs a couple hundred dollars.

Inflated Fees... Yeah, welcome to the world of real promoting. It sucks, but I'm sure you'll get over it.

Cronyism... LOL! Well done, thank you for the laugh.

"Idiots referees... Like who? Nick Thompson, whom was never trained or licensed to officiate neither MMA nor boxing, is a better overall official than Mark Nelson? Yeah, not quite. I agree that Mark would more than likely be a complete fuckup in MMA, but we can't continue to have the promoter handpicking whatever official they want."

Actually I was trained to referee. I use to referee for Freestyle Combat Challenge and for Madtown Throwdown. Moreover, I was also state licenssed to referee wrestling matches and have refereed jiu-jitsu tournaments. Now your next respoinse is probably that refereing wrestling is not hte same thing as mma. Neither is boxing. So go fuck yourself.

Worse Judges... Actually, I consider Minnesota to have very good judges. The only time they were ever in question was when there WASN'T a state commission, and the promoters picked and choose who they wanted, thus resulting in scores of 97-93 for Vanda in the Garr fight.

Those are boxing referees and they don't know shit about mma so your reference is meaningless. So go fuck yourself.

"Overly restricted matchmaking... How do you even know that would be the case? Scott LeDoux gave the okay for two boxers that were on 10 + fight losing streaks to fight on Tony Grygelko's Target Center show in November AND January. So, I'm sure he'll give the okay for Kenneth Allen to continue fighting on your local shows. lol."

Check California where they go purely off of record and pay no attention to fighters wreslting or jiu-jitsu background or even what level of competition the fighter has fought against. So go fuck yourself.

"Unnecessary Medicals... Such as? The only unnecessary medical is really the HIV test, which costs a couple hundred dollars."

Such as a neurological exam which consists of goign to a neurologist, having them read a list and then having you repeat the list back. It is expensive becaus eyou are seeing a specialist even though any doctor could do it and more importantly, they are booked months in advance so getting in to see on eis a nightmare. This effectively eliminates small shows. See California and go fuck yourself.

"Inflated Fees... Yeah, welcome to the world of real promoting. It sucks, but I'm sure you'll get over it."

This is not any kind of logical argument that I can discern. Go fuck yourself.

So in short, I guess what I am saying is go fuck yourself. And if you do happen to promote a show, I can promise you that now one of any value will be fighting for you.

so what you're saying is...

under any commission no one who is an active fighter would be allowed to ref or judge any ways. No manager or a person active in the sport would be allowed to do shit.

Confict of interest is what its called. If you think otherwise you are wrong. Some people think that they should be able to promote, manage, fight and be a commissioner. It wont happen. Choose your poison and shut up.


A great night of fights in Savage with one mismatch, boxing advocates tried to squeeze in to promote their show on the 5th giving me all kinds of nice words and promises, which I know they could not keep since they are only the waterboys, will I be hurt in the long run, probably but at least I didn't sell out to pressure I do know the real agenda, I wonder if they would let me promote my show at theirs, we will see.

Studor your head is so far up the commissions ass I wonder how you can breathe, you are 21 and you are talking like a pro that knows it all, please keep your errand boys away from my shows, or at least relay the message for me to stay away or maybe they will read this and stay away, I was told about all the wonderful things that was in store for me like harmony with everyone, god I do hope so but I doubt it.

Thank god there aren't one sided fights in boxing, boxing is so pure without corruption or worked fights, and the judges never favor anyone, and money has nothing to do with outcomes, and local boys never get the nod, thank god we have a commission that is pure as the driven snow, so in Nick's words, go fuck yourself, and when you shut me down I am going to throw shows for free with no money exchanging hands, and fighters who are willing to fight for free, so go shove it up your ass.

I will call it the Minnesota Tea Party

Get your rifle, get your gun, report to General Washington

I have had to much coffee

^ ^

Pride rule will be implemented at the Minnesota Tea Party, I am not kidding on this one I already have a card made up and a venue for an absolutely free show, free from everything government.

MMA has been running strong in MN. since the late 90s without any serious injuries and no head trauma whatsoever, the state just wants to get its hands on the money it has nothing to do with the safety of anyone since there are more injuries in high school football.

besides bumps and bruised egos Savage Entertainment went injury free last night, with city council members present, who I spoke to commented on how the news and the state is blowing this out of proportion, saying they seen more damage at the stockyard.

zero fights in the crowd last night, with plenty of security and 6 police officers present, a good time was had by all

my new baby boy, Thor, smiles at me and not his mother which pisses her off, I tried to explain that I am the breadwinner and she is just the cow who gives him milk but for some reason she got angry.


UFC uses boxing judges and COMMISSION licensed referees... why not promoters Minnesota? If the larger promotions haven't figured out a solution, what makes you think you can? Get real.

shake and bake

Eric, could you post the results from last night please.

Andrew the problem isn't safety or concern for the fighters, there are more injuries in high school football, you know that as well as I, it comes down to money, the state isn't getting their cut and boxing is very threatened by MMA, it is the wave of the future, boxing sees money going to MMA that used to go to them, so why don't you quit making up excuses and your moral high ground talking points, probably handed down from Scott Ledouche himself, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY NOTHING ELSE, so quit it.

Boxing has been legendary for its corruption, more people die in 1 year of boxing then all the years of MMA put together since its birth, someone correct me if I am wrong but I think the only death in MMA has been Dudley Dedge and it happend in Russia, so please stop arguing all of your bullshit and tell it like it is, say the commission just wants their cut, if you admit that they just want their money I will have Gavin buy you a beer.

I have to admit that in MN Scott Ledouche is either doing it for the money or to shut it down. There is no better interest in the sport with him.

At the same time all the people who are bitching about Gov't control fail to realize that even if they can form thier own commission that wiil be a form of Gov't control. The commission will have to take money to continue to regulate it and there will always be someone that will be unhappy about the way they enforce their rules and regs.

Both commission's private or state run would have the same problems, forcing people to make deadlines, pay fees and following your idea of the perfect rules. It does not matter who runs it there will always be someone who is getting fucked, cheated, harassed, robbed, screwed or ripped off.

This seems to be the nature of regulation. What it all comes down to is wether it is consistent, fair and affordable.

It would be nice to hear the other side of the coin from some commissioners who regulate. How many promoters try to use suspended fighters, cheat at the weighins, try to bypass simple rules. Everyone bitches about commissions but can you imagine what kind of shit these commissions have to put up with?

ttt for consistent, fair and affordable


ttt for the mn kids scripted talking points