Trouble in MN.

"Nope. It was Doug Dedge and it was in Russia."

Yeah, you're right. I just remember it being vale tudo, and assumed Brazil.

One thing I would like to see banned in ND is hair die, as this photo shows sometimes hair die gets wet and runs down the fighter. Rediculous IMO!!!


Look at the stance of Minnestoans Dylan Spicer, MN needs regulation bad. With his lack of knowledge he could have been killed.

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was it easier for you guys to get corporate sponsorships with a commission in place? or maybe you dont have any???

lol, j/k Dylan I just think its a funny pic

we had the marines and Miller lite, I have never pursued sponsorship too much. I do think it being a state regulated sport would make it easier for sonsors to be involved.


yall should contact the WKA... they alreadyhave sanctioning in place in several state including VA... to contact them...

that would probably be your best bet to get MMA sanctioned in MN as MMA, not some god awful bastardization run by a crooked boxing commissioner

Thanks - there is also Shooto and several others - But I think we need something in the State - that both the state and local cities will be comfortable with.

Again...those who do really want to help
contact me at

Thanks Mike


commission the shit out of me all I ask for is a fair shake without corruption with ammy and pro fights ufc rules, and for the welfare state of mn to keep there cut at tax level, not inflated, four escorts to service the winners, it has to be full service, my concern is that they will water it down worse than wing chung


LOL @ Aasen

I'll help, Reilly... what should I bring to the bake sale?

Bring money or time

You can leave your sarcasm at home.

I will call you Mike

Dear Represntantive _______________, I'm writing to express my concern over the recent bill HF1922 which allows the MN boxing commission to regulate Mixed Martial Arts contests. While I have no problem with a committee to oversee the sport of boxing. I do have issues regarding a boxing commission overseeing martial arts competition.

I have been involved in martial arts for over 16 years. The sports of mixed-martial arts, and kickboxing are something that are very important to me. I feel strongly that a boxing commission made up of experts in the sport of boxing will not have the expertise necessary to oversee mixed-martial arts and kickboxing. Specifically, mixed-martial arts, muay thai or thai-boxing, international kickboxing, san-shou, and full-contact karate, all require different rules and regulations than boxing. It is important to me that the legislature recognizes the difference in all of these sports. I don't want to see these sports regulated by a commission of people without the proper knowledge of them.

I believe a commission to oversee sport martial arts is necessary, but I also believe very strongly that it should include people who have knowledge and expertise in the realm of martial arts. I am willing to what ever it takes to put together a bill to allow for a state or private sanctioning body to oversee martial arts competiton. In order to better promote safe and positive completion in martial arts fighting, I ask that all the language regarding mixed martial arts be removed from the bill H.F. No. 1922

Thank you,

Use this ^^^^ if you want to email your rep. I just spoke to my friend who is a professional lobbyist and he thinks that this bill isn't going anywhere. I'll probably go down there again with Greg next week. It can get tacked onto another piece of legislation that is going to get pushed through. There are 2 bills one in the senate SF1825 and one in the house HF 1922 go to:

to find who represents you. Make sure they know how you feel, they we're very responsive last year when Greg and I went down there.

-Andy Grahn
