Trouble in MN.



Just curious - Andy mentions kickboxing, Muay Thai, etc. Would this bill potentially mean that the boxing commission would govern those types of events, and those fees would apply? Where would it stop? Would my kid's point sparring be next? Somebody better call National Karate. How about grappling tournaments? According to LeDoux, you could possibly break a bone at one of those (if you "don't tap soon enough"), whereas you "only" risk head trauma in boxing.

Yeah, I just want to cover all the loop holes for other sports.




any word on anything

email your reps and sen for YOUR district they will listen. it's going to finanace comittee on tuesday...

today is tuesday, fucking riders

next tuesday not today, sorry!

eric give me a call or email me

here is what my lobbyist friend told me:

"The number to sign up to testify before the Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee is 651.296.5776. Give them your name and the bill number SF 1825 you're testifying against. (You sent me the House bill number. This is a Senate committee hearing.) I'd have a couple of you guys sign up and work it out so you say somewhat different things though you can overlap in your comments. Have a couple of guys and gals from different groups testify. If they know it's controversial with a lot of people they're more likely to drop the provision."

lets get it dropped



I will call you today Andy but from now on please capitalize the first letter in my name, put those college skills to use
