Trouble in MN.

Hello all
There are some update - but the sitution has in my opinion taken a turn for the better.
However there is a ton of work to be done. If you want to be involved please contact me at






According to him he's a boxer turned MMA expert.......

hes a boxer turned puchdrunk imo......

Embattled boxing commissioner goes 10 rounds with Satan
Pray for me, Frank Stallone

What should a public official do when faced with accusations of racism? Naturally, the first order of business is to issue a blanket denial. Scott LeDoux, the embattled director of the Minnesota Boxing Commission, followed that protocol in the wake of reports that he called officials with the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe "stupid" and "greedy."

In a statement on his personal website, LeDoux?known as "the Fighting Frenchman" in his glory days as a heavyweight contender?flatly denied making any racist remarks. In keeping with the tradition of politicians since time immemorial, he claimed he had been misquoted by the Duluth News Tribune.

Still, LeDoux acknowledged that he opposed the Mille Lacs band's decision to form an independent athletic commission to oversee a March 17 boxing card at Grand Casino in Hinckley. And he defended his decision to blackball two fight judges from state-sanctioned shows if they worked the Mille Lacs card.

With Mille Lacs now demanding that Gov. Tim Pawlenty remove LeDoux from his post as boxing commissioner, the Fighting Frenchman has assumed a more aggressive posture. Early Thursday, he fired off a mass email to the likes of Frank Stallone (Sly's brother), Matt Blair (the former Minnesota Viking), and "MOMMY LeDoux" (paging Dr. Freud).

The list of recipients was not as strange as the content of the email. It began with the claim that "Satan has been on the attack against me" ever since three people "gave their life to Christ" at a church where LeDoux spoke. After asking his friends to contact the governor's office to voice their support, LeDoux made one more request: "Pray for me that Satan is run off by Jesus. I need your help!!"

It's probably a little late to bring it up now, but LeDoux's boxing career may have benefited from better headgear.

I was sent a copy of the e-mail by Mr. LeDoux...

Three weeks ago I spoke at a Luthern Church on 50th and Emerson. Three people gave their life to Christ that night. Since that time Satan has been on the attack against me. The Hinckley Casino Tribe has said that I am a Racist! Now the Govenor is considering replacing me as Executive Director of the boxing commission. I need to have all our freinds at the Oak Haven to call the Govs Aid Matt Kramer tommorrow and leave a message that you support me for that job. The peolple against me do not want my strict supervision of the rules and are trying to get rid of me. Also I supported the harness track in Columbus CITY because it would mean 3000 jobs for Anoka county. They are afraid it will take some of their customers away from them. I call 651-296-0121 Tomorrow and tell Matt Kramer that you support me for the head of the commission. And also pray for me that Satan is run off by Jesus. I need your help!!

Your friend

Scott LeDoux

So, in other words call 651-296-0121 If you want him fired............

ah shit, my phone is dead..

Yeah, Kramer wasn't too happy his private number was placed in a public e-mail... and now on a public forum. :)

I heard LeDoux at Target Center on Friday kissing Vanda's ass depsite running his mouth on him for three or four years.

Scott LeDoux = Rockhead

I heard vanda was given another gift with a w, is this true

boxing commission taps out! hell yeah!

thanks to all that helped in this movement! those that helped know who they are. From my end of promoting in this state, I want you all to know that I REALLY appreciate your effort, and thank you for your time. You have helped out the loyal promotions to MMA, and just want all you guys to know that it is very appreciated.

see you soon!

much appreciated to the workhorses, thanks for pulling mma out of the fire.


Yep, Vanda got a gift...

Congrats to all you promoters out there, sounds like your in the clear. What happens next? Are you all busy putting together a commission for the sport, or is it just back to anything goes?


I wouldn't go thaaaaaaaat far, but how about suspensions after knockout loses or medical testing before a fight? Is there being money raised to form some sort of mma commission? I imagine you'd wanna do something before the bill comes around again next year.