Trust - why did you freeze/close GStrebendt's thread about Bobby Hoffman?

The article referenced the police investigation.

Did you see the investigation? Or a reference?

A reference. Do you have a link to the investigation? Please share it if you have it.

Can you provide the article you mentioned? Then I can ask for the investigation.

Just a reminder, Harlem. You didn’t want to lock horns, but you keep dancing around it. Come on, do it.

I posted the link.

Here it is again:

I don’t waste my time with people who resort to name calling and personal attacks like referring to my military service in detrimental ways.

Strange, you have interacted with me quite a bit on this thread and continue to do so. But you don’t want to lock horns. :slight_smile:

I was in a car crash with a NB Police car . It happens .

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Did you kill the other driver with a rifle? I mean, as you said, it happens.

SN checks out

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Hmm, I am the one speaking facts. No one else is.

Yawn , Not even worth GWhiz Time

Harlem, you have been typing for quite a while, but haven’t posted anything. Why is that?

Asking you the same question

  • Chirp *

I read the article, went to post and then lost interest while watching the football game.

Got it, thanks.

You’re welcome. The facts seem to still tell me that a drunk guy should not have been driving at all. He also should not have driven his car at an armed individual in a deadly manner.

So your obsession is still unfounded.

Hmm, then why did Gerald go to prison for it? It sounds like you think Gerald is the victim ,

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