@Trust why did you freeze/close Gerald Strebendt’s thread about Bobby Hoffman? An explanation will be greatly appreciated.
The sexual tension between a few posters got too intense.
that thing went sideways
Why? Too much truth posted?
Yeah, it seems like we have returned to the bad old days when mods do whatever the fuck they want with no explanation. It is a good reminder of why I stopped paying for blue names years ago.
I missed that thread. Was it the one that was about some letter?
Yes. GStrebendt found a letter from Bobby Hoffman that Bobby sent to him from prison. People called Gerald out for all the bad shit he has been involved with over the years. I guess @Trust couldn’t handle it.
It reminds me of when you would get banned for saying Lloyd Irvin was a sack of shit.
Is Kirik still endorsing Lloyd Irvin? It sure looks like it:
" Master Lloyd Irvin’s Program is in all these regards and more truly world class."
The creation of a world class realistic martial arts program requires layer upon layer of interlaced excellence. It is the rarest find.
There has to be a profound depth of talent in the program. If there are one or two stars and everyone else is ordinary, there will be insufficient competition to bring out everyone’s best.
The program has to have longevity. Excellence takes time; classes that open and close and move frequently however starry they may appear on the surface, take no one to their peak.
The teaching has to be cutting edge, in technique, mentally, and in conditioning. Directionless talent is a sure recipe for mediocrity. And in the world’s fastest growing sport, what is sufficient one year may be second best or worse the next year.
Perhaps most importantly, there has to be caring, about each and every human being in the program, stars and newcomers alike. That way each person from a beginner child to the Olympian is inspired, and brought to their own greatest potential. That is glorious.
Master Lloyd Irvin’s Program is in all these regards and more, truly world class. If I lived in the area, I would be training there side by side with all the other people there lucky enough to be reaching for their fullest potential. "
Kirik Jenness
North American Grappling Association, Commissioner
Fighter’s Notebook & Fit to Fight, Author
The Underground at MMA.tv, Owner
Island Entertainment Group, IslandMartialArts.com, Owner
New England Submission Fighting, Owner||
Oh goodness
Screen name checks out he just wants to keep stirring.
@Trust did not respond. That is on him.
I want to know why he froze that thread. Was there too much truth in it? Was that it? I stand by every fucking word I typed on that thread.
Perhaps @Trust can set me straight.
where do you find this shit ? LOL
Actual footage of Lloyd Irvin
I would imagine Gerald asked for it to be deleted. He did post all of his information in it. Probably not the smartest thing to do, especially if you see what comes up by googling Gerald’s name. Who knows.
You guys have an oddly weird obsession for Gerald. He’s stated his case. Move on. It’s fucking weird people keep following him around about. It shows a lot your own internal issues.
No doubt , let it go , let it blow
thread had been censored
please do not discuss
Yeah it’s crazy we don’t like people who rape teenagers. That’s nuts!!! I am sure if he did that your daughter you would just be cool with it. I guess you would cuck.