Trust - why did you freeze/close GStrebendt's thread about Bobby Hoffman?

The issue is, that it was made clear that he did not rape anyone and that the cases were overturned/dropped. As we told people in the last thread, if you provide actual evidence or information that indicates he committed this crime, we would be happy to inform the police. Additionally, I am sure that someone who committed said crime would not be welcome around here. I will be the first one to join with people in requesting the ban of said criminal.

The documents and case information that he provided are still in that locked thread. Feel free to follow up with the Oregon Police regarding the case by his name using the information below.

  • You may email us a request for sex offender information. Within your request for information, please include a statement in regards to the purpose of the request. For example:
  • “I am requesting this information to protect myself or family who may be at risk of coming in contact with the requested person(s).”
  • Victims can access sex offender information regarding the person who committed the crime against the victim, via a toll-free telephone number during regular business hours.
  • Toll-free line for victims with victim ID numbers: 1-800-551-2934
  • Alternatively, anyone may also make a request for information under the public record’s law. Please visit OSP’s Public Records Request website for more information: Oregon State Police : Public Records Requests : Programs : State of Oregon

A lot of questions in that thread were not answered. Let’s hear it from the mod who deleted. What was the exact reason?


The thread contained defamatory language about a retired pro fighter.


The thread was derailed by people calling someone a pedophile who , legally, has not been found guilty of it.

That should not be allowed, absent some new information or revelations

I think Strebent is a dick who makes a lot of bad decisions, but that doesn’t mean he should be slandered


Mods are like refs, everyone questions their calls. We all want to see them bang, but there are times when they have to step in. When a thread becomes obsessive and irl personal, its not controversial to shut it down imho.


Cucking is a very odd term to use in reference to one’s daughter. So if your daughter was assaulted, you would feel cucked by that?


OP blatantly lied about him being a Saint in the other thread


He posted his cellphone and street address. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was imbibing a little bit and got overzealous in his own defense. Additionally, if anyone gives a shit about the rules (cue walter sobjack), there was a fair amount of “fighter bashing”.


I have obviously no clue what really happened but it all sounded fishy to me and I think we should be allowed to ask questions.

What exactly can you call someone and what can you not call them. Where is the line?

Is this a should / should not or were actual laws broken here, I am genuinely wondering.

How about some transparency @modsnothere


The questions were answered then everything repeated again in the thread and it was answered again and it got deleted

It was more than questions being asked

I can’t say exactly where the line is, but spamming a thread accusing someone of pedophilia, when that person has not been convicted of the charge, is way past that line.

You appear to be following the basic “just asking questions” playbook for trolls.


If he is genuinely wondering he’s a drooling retard.

Rafiel Torre and Gerald Strebendt Tapes 6 - MMA Tragedies


ANNND Thats what happened /


@GSTREBENDT they are asking for you Saint Gerry

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I don’t know what’s going on but it sounds spicy. IN


That is the issue, the questions were not answered. Gerald said the conviction was overturned and he did not grab a student’s ass. But that leaves room for a whole lot more sexual assault other than grabbing an ass.

My problem with Gerald is that he KNEW Rafiel Torre was trying to get a guy murdered and Gerald kept his mouth shut about it. Gerald didn’t say anything until long after the innocent guy was murdered. Then Gerald kills a guy in a road rage incident. He is a fucking scumbag.


But muh mma fyter is pusting herez and we luv them :joy:


Strange, I guess @Trust hasn’t seen this thread.

I stand by every single word I wrote in that thread and in this thread.

Here is Harlem to the rescue! Tell me where I am wrong, Harlem. Please be specific.

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