"*previous record for a Spike TV original episode is 3.4 million for “The Joe Schmo Show” season finale in 2003"
Fucking awesome video and how can you not like Marcus? That is one fucking cool dude.
you can bet your sweet ass I will be watchin the second episode UG News!
smoogy - 4.1 million is almost certainly the "peak" viewership, not the average rating. I'm sure they scored a good average, but you'll have to wait for a proper ratings report to see how well they really did. This is what UFC always does: selectively cull the best-sounding numbers from the ratings data and ignore the rest. It worked really well last time, they even managed to convince typical fanboys that the UFC 100 replay "won" over Carano vs. Cyborg even though Strikeforce had the higher rating.
LOL man you look for any excuse to bash the UFC, are you even a fan?
sleepernoob - 10 bucks says after Kimbo's first UFC win, he will fight Brock for the biggest MMA PPV ever.
It'll be the greatest moment in the UFC history EVA! (up until the card that follows it)
What a stacked division!
Man that was a great Ad. Reminded me why I love fighting. Though the only difference is as soon as I start my walk out everythign changes... I am the King. This is the greatest feeling. When the ref says are you ready... I want to scream out "Hell YEAH!"... From here on it's all destingy... BOOYAH!
Anyone have any evidence that
Kimbo had anything to do with the rating, especially since his enduring and most recent memory on tv was as a clown for a retired Smoothie salesman out of his weight class who knocked him out with a jab going backward? I think the primary difference that stands out is that you don't have a bunch of immature drama queens that cry at the drop of the hat.
I'm rooting for Marcus Jones....since he trains at Gracie Tampa he's been on the Bubba the Love Sponge (based in Tampa) show and they've talked about him a lot the past couple years and he's been on the air with them a couple times. They have Rob Kahn on a lot too.
Definitely a guy that's got the right attitude
"and it's like you mingle with the cosmos, and you feel omnipotent" ...
goku - thats probably the best mma commercial i have ever seen...why didnt they run this as a TV ad?
they did
Rooting for Roy Nelson
rooting for marcus jones & Kimbo
too bad the fight sucked ass. Heavyweights are soooo boring.
It is a little sad though that over 4 million viewers saw one of the worst fights ever, many of whom may have never watched MMA before.
jaysonv2277 -JT42382 - Win or Lose, Kimbo is staying in the UFC
yeah i cringe when i think of 4 million people watching that awful fight last night...ugghh...
WatchinMMA -smoogy - 4.1 million is almost certainly the "peak" viewership, not the average rating. I'm sure they scored a good average, but you'll have to wait for a proper ratings report to see how well they really did. This is what UFC always does: selectively cull the best-sounding numbers from the ratings data and ignore the rest. It worked really well last time, they even managed to convince typical fanboys that the UFC 100 replay "won" over Carano vs. Cyborg even though Strikeforce had the higher rating.
LOL man you look for any excuse to bash the UFC, are you even a fan?
Where did you get "bashing" (whatever that means) out of what I said? I'm just tired of the games they play with the ratings, considering how poorly most MMA fans seem to understand all the different numbers it only exasperates the problem
That being said, it is hard to overstate how hard they pushed Kimbo Slice and it looks like it paid off with a massive rating
black people = ratings
caliphornia - black people = ratings
they probably lost a lot of viewers during that last fight