TUF 5 -Final matchups? UG Picks...

2 episodes this Thursday.
Dana tells the coaches that he'd like to see teammate versus teammate in the semifinal match-ups.

So what are your picks?

Gray vs. Joe

Manny vs. Nate

I will take Joe by however he wants, sorry Gray. And Manny by crazy Tazmanian Devil-like ass whooping. Diaz's lack luster striking and lead-hand grabbing won't be enough to keep that monster from smashing him. Finals will be Joe vs. Manny, I take Joe by decision. Two tough fighters, but Joe is a bit more well rounded and his ability to remain calm in tense situations, which Manny will definately put him in, will make the difference.

The winners were already mentioned on another forum. The UFC screwed up posted at least one of them.


Sh*t... there are spoilers out there? =\ might need to stay off the forums till tomorrow.