All those guys seem hyper as hell. Barking, crying, shit talking, sideways wigga-hat wearing....First episode had it all!

Very entertaining! I can't wait for next week's episode.

Arf! Arf!

A lot of "small man's syndrome" in the one house?

"sideways wigga-hat wearing"

so sad but oh so true.



last night was some funny shit...

I predict that after episode 3 they will be distributing ridalin to the cast.

Just wait til they really start drinking! Way too much energy in one house right now.

"I predict that after episode 3 they will be distributing ridalin to the cast"

How you think the make 155 staying hyped up all the time probablly have a few already on it

What's really intense is that everyone has to fight an extra time in this tournament, and there are (well, were) 64 potential matchups going into round 1.  That's an awful lot of matchmaking and feeling each other out.  It's tough to be relaxed when there are twice as many opponents as the other seasons have had, and you could potententially end up fighting any one of the guys there.  Hell, I can't even play Risk with 5 other people without getting all jacked up about who I want to smoke and who's got their eye on me.  I can't imagine being stuck in that atmosphere

What these guys need is some alcohol. That usually helps calm the situation.

TTT for Tequila and Yaeger!

great season for drama, bad season to send a poor representation out to the public of the sport's representatives.

"great season for drama, bad season to send a poor representation out to the public of the sport's representatives."

Why, because the public let's its perception of the sport's representatives affect whether they will watch the sport or not? LOL, look at professional football, baseball, basketball, and boxing.

MMA is no different in that respect than any other professional sport.