"UFC executives recently announced that Brazilian middleweight and lightweight fighters are invited to an open tryout session on Dec. 14 in Sao Paulo."
With the coaches also being middleweight fighters, will this mark the first time the Coaches and the fighters will represent the same divisions?
No, it wouldnt be....
The first season had LHW coaches and LHW Contestants, along with the MW Contestants
fair enough, i suppose google would have helped me there. Still an interesting take though, as I don't recall either of the coaches in season one, taking on any of the fighters. I still think it will be interesting to see how the participants fair in sparring matches with the coaches considering there is no size difference.
TheKoreanZombieAteMyBrains - fair enough, i suppose google would have helped me there. Still an interesting take though, as I don't recall either of the coaches in season one, taking on any of the fighters. I still think it will be interesting to see how the participants fair in sparring matches with the coaches considering there is no size difference.
The intent behind the Chuck/Rashad fight was to get Chuck a win over an undefeated up+comer/contender, and then have Chuck vs Forrest for the belt....fight would have sold HUGE at the time. Former title holder/one of the biggest names in the sport, vs current title holder, original TUF winner, and also a big name in the sport. And they would have had the added storyline of former coach/student from TUF 1
But, you know what they say about the best laid plans...