TUF tryouts changed April 27

A mod should put this on the front page, as there is nothing about it online or anywhere obvious for fighters to see. Even ufc.com/tuf22 has the wrong date. Hundreds of fighters probably already had there tickets booked... I had a gufundme and borrowed money to get my ticket and now I have to pay a 150 dollar change fee. Spread the word, because fighters aren't rich... Phone Post 3.0

Already had 5-6 fighters contact me on Facebook asking about it after I posted it. I'd imagine a lot of them have no idea Phone Post 3.0

TTT damn can't believe they didn't make that a point to let everyone know Phone Post 3.0

Thanks Collin.. I'll see if I can contact the boss about this

What's your source that it's April 27th?

Rox19 - What's your source that it's April 27th?
Dave sholler confirmed it to me on Twitter Phone Post 3.0

Rox19 - What's your source that it's April 27th?

I heard it from Steve Valentine, Manager for a few of our local NW fighters that are going.

I believe he heard it from Sholler

and what Collin said lol

If less people show up, isn't that better for you? Phone Post 3.0

Let's not make sure an event like this is scheduled properly and effectively communicated...

Damn, Zuffa. Get it together! Phone Post 3.0

HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe - If less people show up, isn't that better for you? Phone Post 3.0
People are gunna show up no matter what. But no one needs to waste money just because they didn't do a good job of publicly announcing the change. Phone Post 3.0

Collin Reuter -
HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe - If less people show up, isn't that better for you? Phone Post 3.0
People are gunna show up no matter what. But no one needs to waste money just because they didn't do a good job of publicly announcing the change. Phone Post 3.0
VU for wanting to reach your dream but, not step on anybody else's in the process ( outside of the cage) Phone Post 3.0

Thanks for the post. I have a teammate who's already booked stuff too Phone Post 3.0


Monday April 27,2015

anybody got phone # to verify


Looks like they updated it on the UFC website Phone Post 3.0


Collin Reuter - 
Rox19 - What's your source that it's April 27th?
Dave sholler confirmed it to me on Twitter Phone Post 3.0

oh ok