Tweep Review: Fight Dentist Custom Made Mouthguard

                <p><p>Welcome to another installment of Tweep Reviews, where MMA fans and fighters alike from Twitter can come and put their two cents in on MMA gear and products. In this entry we will be talking about the <a target="_blank" href=";b=194678&amp;m=14282&amp;afftrack=&amp;urllink=www%2Emmawarehouse%2Ecom%2FFight%2DDentist%2DCustom%2DMade%2DMouthguard%2Dp%2Fden%2D1001%2Ehtm">fight dentist custom fit mouthguard</a> and coming back to hit you with his MMA gear wisdom is our reviewer Matt &ldquo;TANK&rdquo; Dunning (Twitter name @dunnle):</p>


Follow @dunnle on Twitter

The 2 cents

The design is a custom design that was made specifically for me.It says TANK on the front with a pic of a tank on one side and a canadian leaf on the other. You won’t find a better quality guard then what these guys make! This is a custom molded and custom fit guard for me.When it is in my mouth I can breath well and barely know it is in my mouth. It is by far the best guard out there today on the market.

The Ratings (scale of 1-5)

Quality: 5

Design: 5

Price: 5

Overall: 5

The Pictures

The Info

PRICE – $149.99

Click HERE to purchase the mouth guard

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