Twister DVD Easter Eggs??

Just got the DVD. Following the instructions on the back.

"The Twister" dvd easter eggs:

  1. Go to scene selections and highlight the Eddie/Royler match. Don't do anything else, just leave it highlighted for a minute and one them will start from there.

  2. Again from the scene selections, highlight Thick and Meaty. Leave it on for about 1 min 45 seconds and another will pop up.

  3. For the last 3 go to the Bonus Area section. You will see an arrow, highlight it. Once the arrow is highlighted push the follow buttons in this sequence: down, left left left, enter. You will then come to a screen with Jeopardy music playing and a bunch of dots. Highlight the 4th dot from the left on top and hit enter, that is one. Highlight the last dot on the bottom row, that is two. Finally on the top row, move the cursor all the way to the left until it is off the screen. Hit enter and that will be the third one. Good luck and enjoy!

For more info go to

Thank you very much. Excellent DVD, by the way. It's a good companion to the book, seeing how all the Bravo stuff works in competition and all.