Tyson's prime???

Serious question.

I keep hearing that a prime Tyson was one of the GOATs. When WAS Tyson's prime? No doubt he was crazy gifted, but who did he ever beat? What makes so many think he is as GOAT-worthy as they say?

Would love some insight/opinions from those in the know.

I think Spinks fight was apex Phone Post 3.0

Just the fact that he said I'll fuck you until you love me faggot puts him in GOAT contention. Phone Post 3.0

Ive repeated this over and over, but it needs to be said on any Tyson thread.  He is the most over rated and most under rated heavyweight of all time.  

He never reached his prime , there is no such thing as prime Tyson.

Name ONE great fighter he beat who was in his prime? Or, how about one loss he took, learned from, made adjustments and avenged? How about a fight he was a huge underdog in and a beat the odds to win? A fight where he was behind but made adjustments in the ring, or willed his way to victory? Or, did he dominate the division for many years like Joe Lewis or Larry Holmes? Remember his wars with Foreman, Morrison, Tua, Bowe, Moorer and Byrd? No, because he never fought a huge chunk of his top contemporaries. Yes, he was exciting and gifted but by almost all measures of "greatness" he comes up short. Phone Post 3.0

Joe Louis not "Lewis". Phone Post 3.0

when he was a teenager. I'm guessing the blow and partying when he got rich robbed him of ambition. he could have been a legit top 2 heavy, instead he would be lucky to be top 10 all time.

but I'm no expert.

PINKsinglet -

Ive repeated this over and over, but it needs to be said on any Tyson thread.  He is the most over rated and most under rated heavyweight of all time.  

Care to elaborate? That's not sarcastic either I'm actually interested by what you mean Phone Post 3.0

chadk - Name ONE great fighter he beat who was in his prime? Or, how about one loss he took, learned from, made adjustments and avenged? How about a fight he was a huge underdog in and a beat the odds to win? A fight where he was behind but made adjustments in the ring, or willed his way to victory? Or, did he dominate the division for many years like Joe Lewis or Larry Holmes? Remember his wars with Foreman, Morrison, Tua, Bowe, Moorer and Byrd? No, because he never fought a huge chunk of his top contemporaries. Yes, he was exciting and gifted but by almost all measures of "greatness" he comes up short. Phone Post 3.0
Chadk, I assume you haven't watched Cris V Conen 2. Check it out when you have time and you'll see that she has quite the effective ground game.

Also, who has Ronda beaten in her prime and which losses has she learned from, adjusted and avenged? Phone Post 3.0

scrapdo -
chadk - Name ONE great fighter he beat who was in his prime? Or, how about one loss he took, learned from, made adjustments and avenged? How about a fight he was a huge underdog in and a beat the odds to win? A fight where he was behind but made adjustments in the ring, or willed his way to victory? Or, did he dominate the division for many years like Joe Lewis or Larry Holmes? Remember his wars with Foreman, Morrison, Tua, Bowe, Moorer and Byrd? No, because he never fought a huge chunk of his top contemporaries. Yes, he was exciting and gifted but by almost all measures of "greatness" he comes up short. Phone Post 3.0
Chadk, I assume you haven't watched Cris V Conen 2. Check it out when you have time and you'll see that she has quite the effective ground game.

Also, who has Ronda beaten in her prime and which losses has she learned from, adjusted and avenged? Phone Post 3.0
I forgot to sign back in under my Sunkist account. My bad. Phone Post 3.0

late 80's was his prime. was the beginning of the end when buster douglas beat him.

PINKsinglet -

Ive repeated this over and over, but it needs to be said on any Tyson thread.  He is the most over rated and most under rated heavyweight of all time.  

Wut Phone Post 3.0

I don't think GOAT is what they mean rather he is what fighters inspire to be like style wise. Always going for the knock out and each time it was highlight status. Phone Post 3.0

PINKsinglet -

Ive repeated this over and over, but it needs to be said on any Tyson thread.  He is the most over rated and most under rated heavyweight of all time.  

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, then I fully agree.

Tyson was overrated in regards to his achievements as in the level of fighters he fought and how long he was dominant for.
If you look at external output, then one could argue he is overhyped.

Equally and paradoxically, when people use that as a stick to beat him with, they overlook his internal variables. Basically, when people say Tyson wasn't that good, they overlook the fact that outside of his power, a young Tyson is in fact one of the best technical heavyweights of recent times.
He wasn't just some kind of brawler, but a very technical aggressive counter-fighter with a high fight IQ and knowledge of the game brought through watching loads of fight videos. He is underrated because people diminish his technical ability as if he was just a brawler. Phone Post 3.0

Pre prison Phone Post 3.0

scrapdo -
scrapdo -
chadk - Name ONE great fighter he beat who was in his prime? Or, how about one loss he took, learned from, made adjustments and avenged? How about a fight he was a huge underdog in and a beat the odds to win? A fight where he was behind but made adjustments in the ring, or willed his way to victory? Or, did he dominate the division for many years like Joe Lewis or Larry Holmes? Remember his wars with Foreman, Morrison, Tua, Bowe, Moorer and Byrd? No, because he never fought a huge chunk of his top contemporaries. Yes, he was exciting and gifted but by almost all measures of "greatness" he comes up short. Phone Post 3.0
Chadk, I assume you haven't watched Cris V Conen 2. Check it out when you have time and you'll see that she has quite the effective ground game.

Also, who has Ronda beaten in her prime and which losses has she learned from, adjusted and avenged? Phone Post 3.0
I forgot to sign back in under my Sunkist account. My bad. Phone Post 3.0
looks at screen confused Phone Post 3.0

Rabid Bunyip - I think Spinks fight was apex Phone Post 3.0

Tyson's prime lasted exactly 90 seconds

He has the potential to be one of the all time greats based on raw athleticism, technical ability and charisma.

Unfortunately he squandered it as he was peaking, so we only saw what he was capable of against lesser opponents.

By the time he was being lined up against the best of his era he was a spent force due to a variety of issues that were both physical (substance abuse) and mental (death of Cus / issues from childhood).

So his record doesn't really reflect his potential. But then you could argue that a true great rises above challenges and utilises their skill and mental toughness to become a champion and one of the P4P greats.

I think Tyson was dealing with way more demons than the average athlete and was therefore quite remarkable to achieve what he did. Phone Post 3.0


Not had. Phone Post 3.0